7 Different Types of Business Consultants Every Business Needs

7 Different Types of Business Consultants Every Business Needs

As your business grows, you will want to know how to maximize its potential. Additionally, you will want to make sure your company is compliant with any laws, regulations, and best practices.

It is always wise to seek the advice of business consultants on how to best run a particular aspect of our business. 

And mark my words, you will need to consider different types of business consultants.

Types of Business Consultants: Why Do I Need Different Ones?

Your company has various needs. There will be a need to manage employees, to maximize capital, to comply with any laws or regulations, and to promote your business. These are just a few of the avenues which a consultant can help with. By having a qualified consultant for the different avenues you can be sure that your business will succeed in its overall goals.

But which consultants do we pursue? And for what departments?

Here are 7 Different Types of Business Consultants Every Business Needs:

1. Financial

The goal of every business is to generate capital. Additionally, you will want to know how to manage the capital and the profit you earn. You will also have to comply with the applicable tax laws in your jurisdiction. You will also need to make sure the bookkeeping and payroll are completed efficiently. This is where a financial consultant comes in.

The financial consultant will not only help you in managing your finances but will also help you with making smart financial decisions.

For example, have you considered taking your company public? How can you organize your company’s structure to pay less tax? These are just a few things that a great financial consultant can help with.

2. HR/People Ops

Managing your employees, making sure you are compliant with labor laws, and creating a stellar company culture is another crucial aspect for a successful business. 

Human Resources can help with dealing with hiring potential employees. This can range from creating a job application, designing the onboarding process, as well as recruiting candidates. Once hired, HR can also help with any difficult issues which may occur in the workplace. It is a preventative measure that can advise you on how to prevent workplace harassment for example.

People Ops is a new method of HR which has been adopted by many companies, large and small. This method of HR focuses on creating a strong company culture. It ensures that the workplace suits the needs of the employees and helps them grow. It serves the modern professional who wishes to see himself/herself as adding value to the company, and not simply being a worker. People Ops offers employees an experience similar to what customers may be given. 

3. Public Relations

Whether your company is a small startup or a prominent multinational, you should not underestimate the importance of public relations.

Public Relations is how your company presents itself, its mission, achievements, and values to the public. A good PR consultant will help you present your company in the best way possible.

If your company has recently achieved something great – such as joining the local Chamber of Commerce – you will want a press release written about this. Do you need to provide updates to current and potential customers? A press conference could be held.

And in the unfortunate case that your company is involved in a scandal, a PR consultant can help with crisis management and ensure that your company is able to recoup, avoid stigma, and continue with business as usual.

4. Marketing

But before you present your company in a good light, you will want to ensure that your product or service is known to the market. This is where a Marketing Consultant comes in. Within marketing itself, there are different types of consulting and you will want to ensure that your consultant or consultants meet your needs.

Here are a few of the aspects of marketing that your company will need. When recruiting a consultant, evaluate how well-versed they are in the following:

  • Market Research: this is for researching your potential market, their needs, demographics, etc.
  • Social Media Marketing: it is very unlikely that you will not need to use social media to market your business. The best way to reach an audience is through a social media platform. Ensure your consultant has an understanding of social media and how to use it for marketing.
  • Other Digital Marketingother forms of digital marketing may include web copy and email marketing. It can also include content marketing from videos to podcasts.
  • Traditional Marketing: you may still wish to use traditional marketing such as through snail mail or print ads.

5. Legal 

This may be the one you would want to avoid the most but it is the most crucial. There will be laws which your business has to follow and depending on the type of business, there may be regulations. Are you running a restaurant? There are sure to be health and safety standards to meet. A financial consulting firm? There are sure to be disclaimers you may have to give your clientele. A qualified legal advisor will ensure that you are compliant at all times so you can focus on your business without worrying about potential litigation.

6. Information Technology (IT)

Regardless of what type of business you run, you will want to make sure it has some sort of digital infrastructure. An IT consultant can help with a variety of digital needs such as:

  • Setting up a website
  • Digitizing procedures such as onboarding or payroll
  • Creating a backup for data on servers, hard drives, and/or a cloud
  • Ensuring that any technology is protected from potential hackers and/or viruses 

7. Strategy

Finally, every business needs a strategy. This is one of the crucial types of consulting services. Starting and building a business is difficult and the help of a Strategic Consultant is what every business owner desires. With a Strategic Consultant, you can outline your business goals and develop the steps needed to achieve these goals. This can range from scheduling when to launch a product, what roles to create for potential employees, how to differentiate yourself in the market amongst many others. 

Take a look here to see a great option for business consulting!

Be On The Lookout

Now that you know the 7 Different Types of Business Consultants Every Business Needs, the next step is to research which consultants are best suited for the different departments.

And be sure to share this with other entrepreneurs!




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