Get With the Times! 3 Trends in Advertising to Watch Out for in 2020

Get With the Times! 3 Trends in Advertising to Watch Out for in 2020

On average, business owners spend around 8 percent of their annual gross revenue on advertising and marketing. Instead of trying to use outdated and ineffective advertising methods, you need to focus on current trends. Reaching modern consumers is only possible if you take the time to figure out what type of advertising they are responding to.

With all of the trends in advertising, choosing the right ones to use can be challenging. This is why working with advertising professionals is so important. With their guidance, choosing and using effective advertising methods will be a breeze. Here are some of the advertising trends you need to think about using in 2020.

1. OTT Advertising Is Catching Fire

By now, you have probably heard about over the top (OTT) advertising. This type of advertising involves distributing commercials and other video marketing content on streaming services. With the rise of streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, business owners now have a large captive audience to market their services to.

Taking advantage of OTT marketing is only possible with the help of knowledgeable professionals. These professionals will know how to create advertisements that actually convert on these streaming platforms. While this type of advertising can be costly, it is worth it considering the leads it can help you generate.

2. The Rise of Mobile-First Advertising

Using a smartphone or tablet is something millions of Americans do on a daily basis. Finding a way to reach these consumers directly is important when trying to grow your customer base. This is why embracing the trend of mobile-first advertising is so important.

Making your website mobile-friendly is just the first step in this process. You also need to think about developing a mobile app and marketing campaign.

With the help of an app, you will be able to keep consumers informed about what your business is doing. Using push notifications is a great way to engage with potential and existing customers. You also need to think about creating vertical videos, which are designed with mobile users in mind.

3. User-Generated Content Is Growing in Popularity

Social proof is something most consumers want. Verifying the legitimacy of your company and the products/services you offer is important. Instead of trying to provide this proof on your own, seek out the help of loyal customers.

Allowing customers to create video and written content about their experience with your products/services can be very beneficial. Not only will this save you time and money, but it can also help you reel in new leads from around the Internet.

Putting These Trends in Advertising to Use

Now that you know more about modern trends in advertising, it is time to take action. Instead of trying to advertise your business alone, you need to think about hiring professionals to assist.

Are you looking for more advice on how to market your business to consumers? If so, check out the rest of the blogs on our website.



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