Ten Best Practices to Motivate your Employees


Ten Best Practices to Motivate your Employees

The job satisfaction and enthusiasm with which employees perform their tasks are decisive factors for the company. The good (or bad) predisposition of people directly influences the quality of products or services. Are you taking it into account when driving your team?

Motivating involves implementing mechanisms to satisfy Be creative to implement effective work motivation strategies. The well-being of your team results in more productivity aspirations and particular interests to direct people towards an objective. How can you motivate effectively? Here we have come up with ten actions you can implement in your business:

Assign jobs correctly.

Each worker must occupy a position appropriate to their profile. Is the candidate prepared for that job? Likes? Do you feel comfortable? If not, you may be bored or unable to do it successfully. See note ” The indicated person “.

Involve people in decision making.

Elton Mayo (1880-1949), a psychologist and sociologist specializing in organizations, found that involving people in decisions improved their results. I promoted communication in all directions. Listen to your team’s proposals and, if possible, put them into practice.

It will provide autonomy. Delegating effectively generates confidence in the work team. Having a certain margin of freedom for the development of tasks is an essential source of motivation. It guarantees a positive work environment. Try to improve your work life. If there are conflicts in the team, it is a good time for you to intervene. Listening and acting is a way of showing that you are concerned about the work environment. See note ” Spaces that feed creativity “.

Provide development opportunities.

By knowing the areas of interest of each person, you can offer them possibilities to expand their capacities or stay updated. For example, a master’s degree paid by the company, a language course, training in specific software, etc. Do not minimize the importance of salary. The salary is not a factor that produces motivation for itself, but if it is not consistent with the market, activity, position, and even with the possibilities of the company’s budget, it will be a crucial element of dissatisfaction, which can hardly be neutralized.

Improve the physical workplace.

Ensure that your employees are comfortable in the workspace, be it an office, a workshop, a shop or a mobile office. This implies that they have the right elements to perform their tasks from a calculator to correct management software. A coffee maker, maybe? An air conditioner? Better lighting? See note ” 5 spaces that cannot be missing.”

Negotiate the objectives with your team.

When goals and objectives are set together, workers feel more committed. By making them participants in the formulation, their expectations and capabilities are taken into account, which produces a greater incentive to achieve them. Reward your team for a job well done. When the objectives are met, it is important to recognize it. There are various incentives that can be effective according to which each employee privileges: a universal gift card, an extra bonus, additional vacation days, a promotion or an economic prize.

Establish flexible policies.

One of the advantages of SMEs, unlike larger organizations, is that you can meet employees. This knowledge is valuable information to motivate your team, being able to give them flexibility where they appreciate it most: flexible hours or adapted to the needs, work from home one day a week or telecommuting, reduced working hours, etc. Be creative to find the policies that work best for your team.

Employee motivation is a central issue for companies. How to motivate them to increase their performance? How do you make them want to outdo themselves and stay in society? What actions to put in place? Discover good practices to motivate your employees!

Everyone has their own motivations

First, you have to realize that professional motivations vary from one employee to another. Some will rather be motivated by team spirit and collective projects, while others will prefer the prospect of additional leave or benefit from a parking space in society.

Concretely, we are talking about motivating factors. There are material levers (bonuses, access to the company restaurant, flexible hours, place in the company crèche, etc.) and intangible (recognition, autonomy, group membership, etc.). In addition, some levers are collective, and others are individual. A manager must, therefore, identify the motivating factors of each member of his team and act on the most relevant. Motivate otherwise than by money. Of course, compensation is an essential motivation. Your employees do not work on a voluntary basis; they expect financial compensation for the work provided. In addition, bonuses, bonuses and other additional remuneration can also motivate your employees. But this is rarely enough.

Bet on other levers than money: team lunch, corporate gift, an additional day off, an award of a rewarding project, “official” thanks, etc. In addition to being less costly for the company, they generally have a more lasting effect on employee motivation!

Create a healthy work environment

There is nothing like a healthy work atmosphere to motivate your employees. This goes through:

A suitable workspace, with suitable premises, access to all the necessary equipment and the provision of facilities.

Good relationships within the team are important in between both the employees and managers. The keys are respect, communication, listening and mutual aid.

A positive atmosphere, which encourages us to move forward together improves the performance individually and collectively.

Set an example

As a manager, you must obviously set an example for your team. To motivate your collaborators, you must establish rules and be the first to respect them. It is essential that you are attentive, available and flexible, as you expect from your team.

If necessary, it is also important that you know how to manage delicate situations to maintain good collective and individual motivation.

Celebrate successes

Another essential point to motivate your employees is to celebrate successes, whatever they are. This makes it possible to reward the efforts of each contributor, to encourage them to continue in this direction or even to surpass themselves.

This type of celebration also helps strengthen bonding within the team, which is motivating for the members.

Finally, the motivation of employees is not only by money, on the contrary! And do not forget that by being a model for your employees, you encourage them to follow you.


Employees are the engine that drives activity and results in a company. In addition, people are what allow organizations and economies to advance, while generating changes to take place in the markets in which they operate. In this sense, increasing work motivation is one of the elements that allow an increase in work effectiveness.

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