Tips to Keep Yourself Organized With Whiteboards

Tips to Keep Yourself Organized With Whiteboards

It is very easy and quick to add new lists and erase old ones with whiteboards. You can rely on whiteboards with being organised without being bored or annoyed by using it every day. Whiteboards can be placed at any corner of the house with to-do lists written on them which can be changed at any time. At one glance, you will know what your do list is for the day. Whiteboards nowadays can be used anywhere from a menu written in restaurants to schedules, to to-do list at home to charts because of their flexibility to be revised and written quickly.

When it comes to staying organised, whiteboards are the method that would stick. It may be old school, but it is also very adaptable. Whiteboards help to stay organised and would not bore you within a few days. A study of Microsoft held in workplaces revealed that whiteboards help people in workplaces arrange information visually, and it leads to better organisation and brainstorming.


Every single day, you have so many different distractions throughout the day, and it can be very easy to forget and to get disorganised. It is like distractions surround you, and you are easily thrown off tasks, lose track of time or even forget an important date. Distractions can be very common and be caused by browsing social media, using the internet or even watching television. All these distractions are just keeping you away from reaching your goals and decreasing productivity.

A recent study reveals that an average person who uses cell phones regularly touches their cell phones 2,617 times per day. They also spend 145 minutes every day playing games, scrolling through social media and checking emails.

Cell phone devices are very much capable of helping you be productive but are majorly used for the opposite purposes and throw off being productive, and it all leads to a huge decrease in productivity. With all these distractions around you, there still are some quick and easy ways to be organised, be more productive and eliminate distractions. The best and easiest way is a whiteboard, weather you are at school, office or even at home.


The best way to stay organised with whiteboards is to colour code. Using different colours for different topics or subjects makes it much easier to complete one task and then get on another with losing focus. You can also make checkboxes at the end of each task and tick off the one that is done, and other checkboxes without a tick will help you motivate and finish your goal.

You can also leave some space at the bottom for more ideas to pop in later. Space will also encourage the thought process and generate more goals or even ideas. Another way you can trick your mind is to write major goals in bigger size and minor or smaller goals in a relatively smaller size, and you will know with one glance what is more important. Whiteboards come in many different sizes and shapes and can help with having all your things in one place and replacing them with new ones. Whiteboards not only organise you but also helps you generating new ideas and letting creativity flow and visualise it in front of you.


As I mentioned earlier, how we are surrounded by distractions every day, it becomes very hard to stay focused and to remember everything. With this busy lifestyle, whiteboards help us with a variety of things and to efficiently carry out daily tasks. Some people might choose to write on a daily planner with a pen, but at the time it is very had to find the notes, but with a whiteboard, you can be reminded of high priority tasks with only one glance.


Whiteboards are a great way to increase productivity and to stay organised. They are very simple and are quick and reusable, which makes them environment-friendly too. They provide a surface that can be used every day as an erasable surface and increase productivity. You can keep track of important tasks and information while being organised.

A whiteboard does not have to be a huge board hanging in a classroom for teachers to write their lectures on them, they come in every size and shape nowadays and can be kept at work, school and even at your home. They can be utilised to organise your thought process by creating a visual representation of your ideas and other information. Following are some way you can get organised and enhance your productivity to most common places like work and home:


Whiteboards are very easily accessible and are available everywhere. They are very commonly used in both personal office rooms and conference rooms. They are a very easy and fun way to visualise your thinking process, to-do list and for your notes. They can also be a remarkable tool for drawing helpful diagrams and illustrations. They are also great for making notes or resolving issues at a meeting and presentations. They can also be used to help someone understand your thought process.

You can use them to maintain a calendar to track any important date for an upcoming event or to track a meeting. Whiteboards can be easily used to-do lists and be revised the over and over again to accomplish everyday tasks. Another great idea is to brainstorm and create it into a think board for new projects, ideas and processes.


At home, whiteboards can come in handy and organise so much of your mess. Keeping track of things to do at home is always so overwhelming, and an online list can easily get you distracted. A whiteboard makes this experience a lot easier by increasing productivity and making it less stressful by easily giving the advantage of adding new things by erasing the previous ones. You can write the daily tasks that you need to tackle every day as whiteboards are easily accessible.

You can also organise your daily appointments or lunch plans. It can help you quickly with what needs to be done. You can also maintain your medicine schedule so you can take your medications on time, and so you do not miss any important medication. Whiteboards can also be used to make a list of items that are needed from the grocery store, so you do not forget anything. If you have kids, you can use to track your kids’ sports schedule or simply things that are needed for him. You can also use it to communicate with each other and remind them what needs to be done.


In this world full of people who embrace technology, you may surprise yourself knowing how much a visual piece may have an impact on your life. Technology may be amazing, but it is majorly distraction and keeping you away from your goals, but whiteboards can be amazing with daily reminders, being more productive and most important of all, being organised. They are available online and in stores in a variety of shapes and sizes and are a great way to be more productive and organised.

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