3 Online Career Courses to Take to Boost Your Future in IT

3 Online Career Courses to Take to Boost Your Future in IT

The information technology field holds some of the most essential career paths in our increasingly digital world. It’s also one of the fastest-growing fields with a projected 22% increase in jobs throughout 2020.

Whether you’re trying to break into this industry or you’ve already been a part of it for years, you probably understand how important continued education is to your success.

Thankfully, you don’t have to take a formal college class to learn valuable skills. Here are three helpful online career courses for IT that can improve your job outlook in the years to come.

1. Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science

Are you trying to get started in the IT field and need to start with the basics?

Taking Harvard College’s Intro to Computer Science course can give you the solid foundation you need. It goes over programming languages, algorithms, digital logic, and much more.

The best part? You don’t have to be accepted to Harvard to take this course. It’s available for free on their website, and you can decide to purchase a certificate at the end of the course if you want to put it on your resume.

2. Google Digital Garage

Whether you’re interested in website development and maintenance or want to start your own IT business, it’s helpful to learn some foundational digital marketing principles.

Understanding this topic also makes you more marketable to small businesses who need a jack-of-all-trades to manage their IT.

Google’s Digital Garage is a set of quick online courses that are great for people in the IT world who want to expand their knowledge without taking a full college class. The courses are free online, but you can also book a face-to-face mentoring session with an expert to hone your skills more.

3. Codecademy

One of the first steps to advancing in IT is speaking the language—the programming language, that is.

From HTML and CSS to SQL and React, Codecademy’s learning tracks can teach you all you need to know.

You can get started by accessing their basic courses with a free account. If you’re a more advanced user or want to bolster specific job skills, you can sign up for a pro membership to work on real-world projects, get guidance along the way, and talk to a network of peers for support. You can even use Codecademy on a mobile device to take your practice on the go.

How to Find More Career Courses Online

These three online course tracks barely scratch the surface of all the ones available. Once you’ve taken them, finding more can be as fast as doing a quick Google search.

If you want to make sure you’re getting the real deal, though, it’s worth visiting an official IT e-learning site and browsing their course catalog. Platforms like www.spoce.com offer a range of classes to choose from so you can find the one that gives you the exact credentials you need for work.

Are You Ready to Level up Your IT Career?

Your options for continuing education are right in front of you. All you have to do is take the first step and sign up for the IT career courses that match your work trajectory, and you’ll be well on your way to career advancement.

Are you looking for more advice on how to get ahead in the world of business and entrepreneurship? Take some time to browse the other articles on our site.

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