Blogger Pro: How to Become a Better Blog Writer and Grow Your Business

Blogger Pro: How to Become a Better Blog Writer and Grow Your Business

Are you a blog writer that has diligently posted articles daily or weekly for years, but don’t see the traffic that your friends and other bloggers in your niche do? If you’re struggling to find your audience after months of trying, then maybe you need to tweak your writing style to bring in more traffic.

If you want to be a leading blog writer, then you need to do more than just write articles about what’s in your niche. You need to incorporate SEO and other methods to help show up on Google and other search engines.

We’ll show some great tips and tricks to help grow your blog and improve your writing.

Incorporate SEO Into Your Writing

The bulk of the traffic that comes to websites is through organic search traffic such as Google and Bing. Why? When people want to know about something, the first thing they do is Google it. Blogs are wonderful for Google because they’re filled with content is gets regularly updated.

Search engine optimization is anything you can do to improve your overall ranking on Google. Odds are your blogging in a niche that might be saturated with content. Business, mom bloggers, cooking, and other subjects are highly competitive with thousands of bloggers.

How can you compete with blogs from chefs on the Food Network when you’re trying to provide people with healthy cooking alternatives? The key is SEO.

You need to create a keyword list for your subjects and examine their search volume and competition. Many high-volume keywords are difficult to rank for because the big blogs are using them. Instead, find keywords that are mid-ranged on volume and competition and use them naturally in your blog posts.

You can go back to your old blog posts and add these keywords to see them rank better as well. Once you’re ranking and earning respect with Google, you can go after the higher volume keywords.

Find Unique Topics in Your Niche

Blogging isn’t easy. Many times, it starts out as a hobby with the goal of one day being a full-time gig. When you’re trying to take care of children, a job and have a life, writing might be the last thing on your mind at the end of the day.

When you decide to write when exhausted, you tend to go after easy subjects that you can write without too much research. The problem its likely already been done by many other bloggers in your niche.

If you want to improve your traffic, then you need to engage your readers. It’s hard to do that when they’re reading the same subjects on 10 different blogs.

You need to examine other blogs, see their articles and write something unique. Instead of writing a generic article, make is specific to a group. Answer common questions people might have.

The more you can personalize the blog, the more you’ll engage your readers. Soon, they’ll be coming back to see what new articles you’ve written.

Write on a Set Schedule

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is writing when they have time. They’ll write three blogs one week and then one the next. They may skip a few weeks and come back for a few weeks.

When you develop a following, people look forward to reading your work. They wake up on Tuesday and feel good knowing you’ll have a blog post later that day. The best bloggers have a set schedule that people can follow.

Schedules also provide regular updates content, which Google loves. The problem many bloggers have is time. Life tends to get in the way of creativity.

If you find yourself regularly falling behind, then consider blog writing services. Many great writers can mimic your tone and voice in the blog posts. You can still write the bulk of the articles but farm out some to a marketing agency so when life comes up you’ve can still post regularly.

Writing services can also help bring a new perspective to your niche. They may think in a way different than you do and create great topics you never would have thought about.

A Blog Writer Learns the Art of Storytelling

Blogging is an informal medium. You’re bringing in your own opinion and experience into the articles. Writers always place a little bit of their soul into everything they write. In addition to teaching or providing information, you’re telling a story about you.

Storytelling is all about putting forth your information in a way that engages the readers and keeps them wanting more. It’s not just unfeeling data and description. If they wanted that, they could read some whitepaper.

They’re there to hear from you. Bring your personality into the writing and use anecdotes that help pull you and the audience into the articles. If you’re writing a blog about the perfect apple pie, the talk about the times you and your mom made apple pie on spring afternoons.

If you connect with your audience, then they’ll keep coming back for more.

Engage with Your Audience

Have you ever written a blog post that generated a lot of comments? They could have been a mix and good and bad. Many times, when you write about your opinion on a subject people from both sides tend to chime in.

When you see a comment on a blog, make sure to answer their questions or thank them for their kind words. If the comment is negative, it’s important not to start a comment war. Instead, acknowledge their opinion and move on.

Engaging with the audience in your comments is a great way to create a fan. It shows you care about them and what they have to say. Even if the comment is negative, it’s important to show you care about them.

Watch Your Blogging Numbers Grow

The lifeblood of blogs is traffic. Consistent and growing traffic makes is more likely you’ll be able to eventually monetize the blog and earn a living from it. These tips can help you transform your blog from a happy to a living.

If you want to learn more about blogging and being a blog writer, then please explore our site.

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