How to Make Your Business More Accessible for Any Customer

How to Make Your Business More Accessible for Any Customer

Making your business accessible to every customer isn’t just good business practice; it’s also simply the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a chance to conduct business in a way that is comfortable for them, which is why it’s so important to make accommodations for those with unique needs. To help your business reach as many people as possible, here are a few changes you can make to help make your business more accessible.

Remove Unnecessary Steps

In certain circumstances, steps in a building may be necessary. However, there are times when steps exist simply because of uneven surfaces, and it is in these instances when you should work to remove steps. For example, if you have one small step at the entrance of your business because the sidewalk is lower than the floor of your building, it’s a good idea to turn that step into a small ramp to allow access for everyone and to prevent a trip hazard.

Clean it Up

Another simple way to make your business more accessible is to make sure that the aisles are clear at all times. Whether you sell goods or services, there are likely aisles in your building that people use to pass one another. Make sure these aisles are as wide as possible and keep any debris from accumulating in the aisles that could prevent those needing assistance from passing safely. A good way to keep your aisles safe is to consult with a personal injury attorney who can instruct you on common trip and fall hazards that need to be cleaned up.

Provide Print Material for All

If someone who is visually impaired enters your business, chances are they don’t want to draw a lot of attention to themselves by requesting special assistance. If you have accessible print material available, this won’t be an issue. When you realize that someone needs assistance, you can simply give them the printed materials, explain what it is, and then answer any further questions they have after they’ve had a chance to read through the materials. This will empower them to help themselves, which is a great way to treat them with the dignity they deserve.

Consider Your Lighting

While bright light is generally the best light to help your business appear welcoming and cheery, it’s a good idea to consider those who may be bothered by bright light. If you can, it’s quite thoughtful to have areas throughout your building that are more dimly lit where people can go to recharge and reset if they’re bothered by the bright lighting. One demographic this serves is those dealing with some type of trauma, as dim lighting helps them to relax if they become overwhelmed.

While it’s easy to spot some changes that need to be made to make your business more accessible, there will be some improvements that you’ll totally miss until they’re needed by a customer. That’s why it’s crucial that you’re constantly getting feedback from customers to find ways in which you can improve the accessibility of your building. By learning from this feedback, you will make your building a better place for everyone and gain the trust and respect of your customers in the process.

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