Top 5 Vehicle Wrap Design Tips to Give You the Best Marketing Advantage

Top 5 Vehicle Wrap Design Tips to Give You the Best Marketing Advantage

If there’s one print marketing material that has become quite useful for businesses of all sizes, it’s the vehicle wrap. This popular design product enables brand advertising with the use of vans, trucks, and any other vehicle with custom-printed designs wrapped around them.

Aside from serving as added protection to the vehicle, the primary reason why car wrapping has become a favorite amongst business owners is that it transforms the vehicle into a moving billboard.

Since it constantly moves and reaches different areas, car wrap ads have a wider reach compared to stationary billboards. Plus, these wraps offer a way for smaller companies to save on advertising since they only need to pay once to cover the cost of vehicle wrap design and printing.

The tricky part is designing large vinyl stickers, especially since you’ll have to consider the vehicle’s specific dimensions. In fact, anyone who undertakes such a project not only needs to have the proper skills to do it, but also needs to perform sufficient research before proceeding.

This article discusses how to design a vehicle wrap and what you stand to gain from optimizing this type of advertising tool.

3 Business Benefits of Optimized Vehicle Wrap Designs

Although vehicle graphics aren’t a typical priority in brand marketing, you should still give this some more consideration, mainly because of the following benefits:

Vehicle graphics grab attention better than static billboards.

Compared to static billboards on the side of the road, drivers and passengers are 2.5 times more likely to pay attention to moving adverts in trucks and vans. This is a fact proven by research from the American Trucking Association, which noted that 98 percent of in-car audiences noticed ads placed on the sides of trucks they pass by on the road.

They can offer better recall.

Mobile billboards show overwhelmingly positive results despite the fact that they haven’t been around very long.

In fact, the RYP & Becker Group reviewed studies related to the effects of mobile billboards in marketing. One was from the Transportation Advertising Council Of America, which revealed that mobile billboards have a 97 percent better message recall rate. The review also mentioned a study from 3M, which indicated that 91 percent of the target audience noticed graphics and text in truck advertising.

They can be used even without a large fleet of company-owned vehicles.

Contrary to popular belief that only large companies can afford vinyl car wraps, this print marketing method is actually a cost-effective way for smaller firms to make their brands known. In fact, even if you don’t have a company vehicle, you can still maximize its benefits through rent-a-truck vehicle advertising options.

5 Best Vehicle Wrap Design Tips for Maximum Marketing Advantage

Aside from standard skills in graphic design, designing a vehicle wrap also requires industry-specific knowledge. As a business owner, it is imperative that you understand how to optimize the marketing tool to get the maximum marketing advantage.

To get you started, below are the five best tips you must keep in mind when deciding on a design for car, van or ute wraps:

Get precise vehicle measurements

Before you can even plan the graphics, choose a color, or decide on a font, the first thing you must do is to measure the vehicle. After all, how would your design fit if you don’t know the dimensions of your ride?

When measuring the car, always go into the smallest details. From the rear and sides to the roof, hood, and bumpers, it is crucial that you take precise measurements of each part of the vehicle that will be covered by the wrap.

Also, take pictures of all sides from a front-facing vantage point, never from an angle. This will reduce the chances of mistakes in the design dimensions and allow the wrap to cover any grooves and embossed parts like door handles, body breaks, and rivets.

It is also wise to take note of any customization made on the vehicle to accommodate it in the design. Don’t just rely on what’s standard for its make and model.

Keep it short, sweet, and simple

Now that you’ve gotten more familiar with the vehicle, the next thing you must do is determine what to include in the design. When picking out information for truck ads, be sure to keep it short, sweet, and simple to avoid overwhelming the design.

Putting too much information is counterproductive as it can reduce the mobile billboard’s effectiveness in reaching potential customers.

Essentially, this means you mustn’t give away too much information. Since the vehicle will be seen traveling at an average of 60 kilometers per hour, you must make sure that the company details are easy to read. Stick to the brand name and contact number on the sides, and place your website and email address on the back where it can be read while the car isn’t moving.

Although they are traditionally eye-catching, colorful vehicle wraps must never have too many design elements. Avoid using too many font styles, colors, and images to ensure that the vehicle still looks sophisticated despite donning a colorful and dynamic advert.

Use catchy colors

Color is a crucial element of vehicle wrap design that you must think about.

Different colors evoke various emotions. Make sure that you use the right one by determining what your brand is all about. From there, decide on a brand message and use colors that can impact your target viewers.

For instance, if you’re a company targeting an energetic and passionate market, consider using red as the main color of your car wrap as it evokes love, passion, aggression, and energy. It is also a good idea to use bright hues in your design since they can be easily seen even from afar.

Of course, you should keep tip number 2 in mind while deciding this.

Choose legible fonts

Like color, the text also affects how your car wrap can reach your target audience. Stick to legible font styles and make the text as big and bold as possible. Remember that the time your vehicle ad can be viewed is limited, so it must be clearly read even from afar.

Differentiate from competitors

Although your company probably already has a logo and advertising copy to use on the car wrap, it is not a bad idea to get some inspiration online on how others design their vehicle wraps.

It is also wise to check out what your competitor’s vehicle wrap designs look like. Remember that while a designer may understand the concept of a good vehicle wrap, you can only determine how different it can become if you know what the competitor’s wraps look like.

Take Advantage of Mobile Ads

Vehicle wraps provide an excellent platform for moving advertisements to reach more audiences. Make sure that you take advantage of their benefits by following the tips listed in this article.


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