10 Clever Ways to Use Video in E-Commerce Marketing

10 Clever Ways to Use Video in E-Commerce Marketing


It is more than clear that people prefer video over any other format out there. You see, YouTube is currently the world’s second-largest search engine (right after Google), while about 100 million hours of video content are watched on Facebook every single day. Videos are simply more convenient, which is why people are more likely to pay attention to the information conveyed to them in this format. Other than this, video is also a powerful persuasion tool; one that you should definitely use to boost your e-commerce sales. Here are 10 clever ways you can do so.

Close-up of the product

The simplest way of showcasing a product in e-commerce marketing is to just make a close-up of the product from all sides. Due to the fact that such footage is harder to alter and tamper with, your audience will trust this format more than they would a still image. Even a rotatable 360 degrees’ image is less trustworthy than a product close-up video. This is just one of the ways to increase your e-commerce website conversion rate.

Product demos

Showcasing your product is an important step in closing a sale, however, in e-commerce, you’ll have some logistical difficulties to do so. Fortunately, you can just film a product demo and showcase it to your audience. Just remember to include all the features and aspects of the product that you believe your audience will want to know about.

Animated explainers

There’s a reason why infographics are so popular. First of all, they can update your audience on the issues while using data and simplistic visual means. The same thing can be translated into video. How? With an animated explainer format. Keep in mind, nonetheless, that you’ll need a skilled designer capable of producing such format on your side if you’re about to make this work.

Behind the scenes

One of the reasons why this format is so popular is due to the fact that people want to see unscripted, spontaneous content. This allows them to see the human, more relatable, side of your company. We’re talking about the everyday routine at your company, bloopers from the video shoot and much, much more. Overall, this should be the most quality of your extra footage. 

Catching up

Let’s say that the product that you’re currently selling is an upgraded version of a similar previous product. This can be a strong selling point, however, what if the majority of the audience has no point of reference. What if they didn’t own a previous version or aren’t aware that it even existed. Well, in that particular scenario, you might want to make a video of comparison, where you’ll discuss new features and make constant references to the previous version.

Telling a story

When using storytelling techniques, there’s a thin line between great and terrible. Provided that your editor, writer, actors and camera aren’t doing their job, what you’re facing is, most likely, a disaster. In other words, it’s all up to the execution, which is why it’s pivotal that you look for professionals. Fortunately, in major business hubs like NSW, there’s an abundance of amazing video editing agencies and professionals. This makes it quite easy to find a suitable Video Production Sydney agency.

A direct message from the management

In some scenarios, during a PR crisis, a major turning point or a company anniversary, it might be good to record a direct message from the management and upload it online. Keep in mind, nonetheless, that for this to work, the speaker needs to be both sincere and articulate. Also, they need to stay close to the point and ensure that their message is clear for everyone to follow. 

Humorous/parody video

Now, we head in a completely opposite direction. Sometimes, the least you want is to be stern, serious and to the point. Sometimes, your aim is to win your audience over with humour. The risk here lies in the fact that there’s a thin line between your jokes being funny/interesting and being cringy or just outright bad. So, make sure to test them out in front of a sample group consisting of the members of your target audience before uploading them. 

Influencer review

The influencer review of your products is far more efficient than a simple tweet or post about it. Why? Well, because it’s hard to tell whether the influencer in question is even aware of your product or if it’s just their social media manager writing/posting about it. When it comes to influencer review on video, this just seems far more genuine and is, therefore, far more effective.

Interactive video

Finally, there’s seldom a format out there that provides your audience with a more immersive experience than an interactive video. There are a plethora of amazing examples of interactive videos online. In fact, as of late, even TV shows like Black Mirror and countless web series have adopted this format. While making it may seem like a lot of work, this work usually ends up being more than worth it.

In conclusion

In other words, regardless of your industry, chances are that there’s a way in which the right video can make your life so much easier. Just keep in mind that you’re in no way restricted to a single format. In fact, diversifying, in this particular scenario, is highly advisable, even preferable. So, combine, create and fit any of these models into your overall digital marketing strategy.

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