4 Security Measures Even Small Companies Can Afford

4 Security Measures Even Small Companies Can Afford

Small businesses still have a duty to provide proper security on their premises. Unfortunately, it can seem like much of the security field is dedicated to those businesses with bigger needs and even bigger budgets. Fortunately, there are a few security tools that even a small business can afford.

Security Doors and Locks

How secure is the front door of your business? If you’ve never thought about it, it might be time for a new door. A security door that’s less likely to be battered down can actually make your business much less of a tempting target. If you’re willing to spend a bit more, you can even add extras like access keypads to make your business even more secure. When it comes to small business security, few things are as important as a locked door.


The price of video cameras has dropped significantly in recent years, as has the cost of installation. In fact, many small business owners can set up a basic camera system on their own. Even the price of more impressive gear like the thermal camera has dropped and has become a more realistic addition to the security suite of even small operations. If you’re looking for a way to keep an eye on your business, these cameras might be your best choice.

ID Badges

An ID badge is an incredibly powerful tool. While you might know everyone who works for you, having badges makes it harder for intruders who want to get into your business. Even if you only have a few employees, a nametag can help your customers determine if they are speaking to someone who actually has a role in your business. These badges are incredibly cheap but they can provide you with a great deal of protection. Alarms

Just as cameras have come down in price, so too have alarm systems. It’s cheaper than ever to set up an alarm system that will let you know if someone tries to get into your business when it has closed. Even better, you can now set up motion sensors that will alert you when someone goes into an unauthorized area without having to get any kind of professional monitoring service.

Even small businesses can afford to be serious about security. If you’re willing to spend a little bit of money, you can make your business much safer. While you might need to upgrade if your business grows, having the right equipment now can make a huge difference in how safely your business functions.

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