Arthritis in Dogs: Is CBD The Cure?

Arthritis in Dogs: Is CBD The Cure?

When it comes to dog health, arthritis is one of the most common problems. Studies have shown that one out of five canines suffer from this excruciating experience. It is typically encountered in senior dogs, but that does not mean that it cannot be developed in younger ones, even puppies.

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How To Recognize Dog Arthritis

As we already know, arthritis is essentially an inflammation of the joints. Given such localization, it isn’t that difficult to notice its symptoms. Although, it might be a bit more tricky with our furry friends, since, well, they don’t speak human.

First of all, you will notice they are in pain and have a hard time moving around. They might become grumpy and refuse to engage in physical activities. Consequently, they can start gaining weight, which, in turn, leads to worsening the symptoms.

Additionally, some canines may also start excessively licking the painful joints. As if they are trying to ease their own pain with saliva. Nevertheless, most of these signs are very subtle, so you have to pay close attention to changes in your pet’s behavior.

As unpleasant as this condition may be, fortunately, there are ways to treat it. Of course, you have to try to control your dog’s weight and make them more active. But, there is also a fairly new medicine that has shown to be effective in animal arthritis treatment. It is called Cannabidiol, or CBD. Go here.

CBD Defined

Cannabidiol is a compound found in hemp, a type of cannabis. It is similar to medical marijuana and shows some of the same effects. However, the important difference is that CBD is THC-free, meaning that it is not psychoactive. It is in no way harmful to animals. On the contrary, it was proved to have some incredible health benefits.

This medicine works through the endocannabinoid system that every dog has. This system attracts the cannabidiol and sends it throughout the body. That way, it helps increase appetite, control seizures, cure anxiety and even fight off bad cancer cells. However, our primary concern right now is how this compound can help with arthritis, so you can see your doggie run again.

CBD Oil And Arthritis

The cannabidiol compound is known to be anti-inflammatory. Can you notice the link here? Well, let me repeat something – arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. So, basically, this is a fight between the villain called inflammation and the superhero with anti-inflammatory powers, called CBD oil. I admit, I could have gone with “fire and water”, but this seemed more appropriate.

Now, I’ll try to explain how this medicine works as simply as possible. However, if you want to find more specifics about these products, then visit this site: The information I will provide you will serve to determine whether the CBD superhero can overpower the inflammation villain.

Does It Work And How?

When you want to help your dog, naturally, you don’t just rush into buying the first thing that you are recommended, without doing any research whatsoever. You first consider all the benefits and all the side effects of a specific product. After all, you want the best for the man’s best friend.

As it was already mentioned, this medicine has an anti-inflammatory purpose. Naturally, this means that it will reduce the inflammation in your pooch’s joints, thus lessening the pain it causes. When the level of pain drops, you might get your canine to start exercising again. This leads to losing the weight they might have gained due to inactivity caused by soreness.

Now that your pet has become more active, you notice that it might get tired quickly. Of course, with CBD oil, your doggie will regain its strength, vitality and vigor in no time. This is because the medicine regulates digestion, while also increasing appetite. Unsurprisingly, this results in a proper energy boost.

As you can see, all these symptoms are connected to one another. Therefore, if you fight the main one, you fight all of them. And after taking into account the effects of this powerful product on arthritis, there can be no doubt about who will come out as a winner in our superhero vs. villain match.


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