How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? An Informative Guide

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? An Informative Guide

Managed IT services in Los Angeles provide flexibility and expertise to organizations. You could be experiencing growth and simply need more hands-on-deck or perhaps you have a complex issue that requires specific capabilities your in-house team doesn’t have.

With IT outsourcing hitting a five-year high in 2019, it is showing no signs of slowing down. 

But while IT managed service providers can help businesses overcome many challenges to improve their technology landscape and achieve better business results, at what price does it all come?

Managed IT Services Costs

There is no single number to place on the cost of IT services. Every company and its requirements are unique and every IT service provider offers varying levels of expertise and skill-sets. 

What can be shared is what factors dictate the costs and average costs you might expect. 

Factors Influencing Managed IT Services

The factors you need to be aware of include:

  • Size of your business
  • Networking requirements
  • Cloud hosting requirements
  • Number of devices you need
  • Type of devices you need

It’s easy to see how with all these factors, and others not listed, it is hard to give a solid answer on the cost to expect. This doesn’t even take into account the provider’s expertise and skill level.

In general, the figures of $99/month to $250/month per user have been used. But where would your company fall on this spectrum? It greatly depends on the exact services you require and the factors mentioned above.

Managed IT Service Pricing Guidelines

Even with all the unknowns in the pricing, there are still guidelines in managed IT service that can help you understand how the pricing is structured. Here are two common ways to expect your pricing to be structured.

Pricing Per User

Pricing based on the number of users being monitored for service is the most common way to price plans.

It is fairly straightforward to calculate pricing because if someone in your company is using the technology they would be considered a user. Generally, if a person is using any device that requires IT support they will be put in the per-user total.

Pricing Per Device

Pricing per device is another commonly used option. The provider will charge based on the number of devices your business is running. This usually includes any device used in your company- desktop computers, laptops, smart devices, etc.

Benefits of IT Managed Services

Companies look to providers for different reasons, but in the end, they will get a variety of business benefits. Top benefits reported include: 

  • Improved cost management
  • Increase in staff availability
  • Reduced IT complexity
  • Improved scalability
  • Streamlined communication

The clarity in IT Service Pricing

Any reputable IT services company will be transparent about costs. They will give you a clear understanding of what will be covered by the fees they are charging and it will be documented in a contract. 

Hiring managed IT services from Los Angeles is an excellent way to improve operations and potentially cut expenses. By outsourcing IT management responsibilities and functions you can keep confusion and frustration to a minimum.

Learn more about technology and technology services on our website.

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