How Start-Up Entrepreneurs Should Avoid Debt: 7 Points From Ladder Advisors

How Start-Up Entrepreneurs Should Avoid Debt: 7 Points From Ladder Advisors

  • Are you an entrepreneur struggling to manage your personal finances and debt issues?
  • Do you know the kind of impact it can have on your start-up business?
  • Have you tried speaking to a financial advisory firm to help you overcome debt problems?

Whenever a start-up takes off, entrepreneurs reap both benefits and the associated risks that come with it. It not only leads to an increase in personal fortunes, but also contributes to lurking dangers. Many experts have written about how entrepreneurs should make a distinction between good debt and bad debt.

In this article, Ladder Advisors, one of the leading financial advisory firms, offers suggestions to handle bad debts. Bad debts can quickly transform into serious problems for your business. These are finance problems, which cannot be leveraged to better your business.

How Entrepreneurs should address Debt Problems: An analysis by Ladder Advisors

  • Stop overspending on unnecessary things-

The road to success can be difficult and challenging. It can also require many sacrifices. However, it is important to stay grounded when you get success. Rewarding yourself with a sports car, which involves a huge outstanding auto loan should not be an answer.

  • Draw a Monthly Salary like all your Employees-

As an entrepreneur, you should maintain a strict demarcation between company finances and your personal finances. The best entrepreneurs draw a monthly salary like all employees and try to manage their expenditures accordingly. This brings financial discipline.

  • Try to Bootstrap your Business as much as possible-

In recent years, great start-ups have found it easier to raise funding and debt financing. While this may offer immediate relief and fuel growth plans, it is not a workable strategy in the end. Bootstrapped start-ups have found functioning easier. They also have more independence.

  • Build a steady Cash Reserve for yourself and your business-

It is high time, entrepreneurs set up savings funds for themselves and their businesses. This will help you tide over unforeseen problems. There might be lean periods when the business would not do as well. Having a cash reserve helps in tiding over such periods of business crises.

  • Have a Conservative and Judicious Growth strategy in place-

Do not go for unnecessary hiring phases when you do not have business. Get the business and then hire employees. While many of you might think otherwise, this is a judicious approach to growing your business and staying out of financial problems like debt.

  • Always hire a Financial Advisor for your Start-up-

It is best to listen to experts who deal with such financial issues on an everyday basis. They can suggest the best ways possible to mitigate your financial problems like debt. They are not expensive and can contribute to your business in many ways.

  • Never have your liabilities exceed your assets-

As an entrepreneur, you might have to take business loans, and other capital infusions to grow. That is all right. However, the valuation of your business enterprise should always be within the limits of your outstanding liabilities. In business sense, you are not really in debt, unless your liabilities exceed your assets.


Entrepreneurs have a responsibility, not only to themselves but also to the society. Many start-ups fail very early on in their life cycle. By building certain positive financial habits, entrepreneurs can build a great future not only for themselves, but also for their businesses.

Can you help us with some more ways by which business owners can stay out of debt and other personal finance problems? Let us know in the comments section below.

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