Leveraging Your Own Education to Meet Your Goals

Leveraging Your Own Education to Meet Your Goals

Education takes up considerable mental real estate for those currently working in the field. Everything from supporting students to assisting peers in teaching and evaluating is in the forefront of our minds on a daily basis. While these are admirable goals, don’t be guilty of losing sight of your own education in the pursuit of assisting others. You can use your own education to leverage growth, both in your career and as a person.

Earning a doctorate is not something to take lightly. You’ve already spent a considerable amount of time in school, and the additional cost and time associated with earning this type of degree is a serious commitment. Time spent with family and free time may be impeded by the rigorous nature of earning the degree. However, taking the leap could be worth the cost in more ways than one.

Define your goals

Where do you see yourself in ten years? What about when you retire? Think about your career path and what qualifications you will need to obtain the job of your dreams. Earning a doctorate can put you on a trajectory to finish your working years in the place you’ve always imagined yourself. Whether it’s leading a university or deep diving into research for your chosen field, keep moving the needle toward attaining your goals. Your working years can be the most fulfilling years of your life. Don’t waste the time just working for others when you could also be working to improve and fulfill yourself. In some careers, a doctorate is not only encouraged but expected.

Overcome the competition

Even if you love the position you are already in, earning your doctorate can pave the way to working at a more prestigious or larger university. Competition is tight, and additional qualifications can give you a step up on the rivals for your desired position. That slight edge could mean the difference between an employment offer and a rejection letter.

See your current position from a new perspective

Earning a doctorate can also help you to approach your current job from different angles. The ability to take on different perspectives while tackling problems can be invaluable, leading to new solutions and innovation in your field. The value you bring to your current employer may result in raises and other benefits, boosting your bottom line and adding to your value within the organisation.

With the advent of online learning, earning a doctorate may not be as difficult as you think. Many choices are available to you, such as this degree option. Online learning can give you the flexibility you need to continue working while you pursue your degree, without having to sacrifice your income or the progress you’ve made in your current position. It will certainly still be challenging, but the flexibility makes it more attainable than ever.

A doctorate in education is not for everyone. Taking the time now to examine your long-term goals and satisfaction with current employment can help you decide if you should pursue a doctorate. If you find that the answer is yes, you can weigh the benefits of pursuing it now or waiting until a more opportune time.




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