3 Proven Metal Fabrication Techniques You Should Consider

3 Proven Metal Fabrication Techniques You Should Consider

Sheet metal is one of the most versatile metals out there when it comes to making all kinds of products.

If you haven’t worked with this great material before, then you’re probably wondering what you can do with it. Even if you’re experienced with sheet metal, you might be inspired to create something entirely different from what you’re used to.

Keep reading to learn about 3 proven sheet metal fabrication techniques you should consider.

1. Shrinking

There are actually three distinct ways you can shrink sheet metal. The first method, called heat shrinking, involves extremely high temperatures. You’ll actually need a blow torch to do it.

It’s simpler than you might imagine. Make sure the sheet metal is safely suspended or propped up in a horizontal fashion. From there, you’ll use the blow torch to heat it up and, once it cools down, it will contract to a smaller size.

The second method involves a more complicated piece of machinery referred to as a shrinker. This device shrinks the sheet metal by squishing two sides of it together. This method can take a lot of time to complete but it will give you accurate results.

For a fast but less accurate method, you can try what’s called tucking. This tried and true strategy involves using a hammer to beat the sheet metal into a narrow and vertical space. When making automobiles in the past, tucking was often used.

2. Bending

Unless you’re a strong-man, the only way to bend sheet metal with power and accuracy is with a machine.

The machine in question will usually have a set of hammers that are equipped with press breaks, among other parts. You start by inserting the metal on a flat, horizontal surface. Afterward, the machine’s platform is lifted and works on bending the metal.

Depending on what shape you want to bend the sheet metal into, you can air-bend it or coin it with the press breaks. 

The degree of the bend will play an important role when it comes to creating the perfect form. You’ll be glad to know that the press breaks can bend the sheet metal a full 90 degrees.

3. Cutting

When it comes to cutting your sheet metal, you have options. For instance, you can do it manually using an angle grinder or electric shears.

If you prefer something a bit more high-tech, you can use a plasma torch, which can reach around 45,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Just be sure to use it with caution.

You could also use a laser, a water jet, or a range of other tools to the job done right.

If you’re looking for mass production on a high-quality scale, visit this homepage.

Ready to Use These Sheet Metal Fabrication Techniques?

Now that you know all about 3 proven sheet metal fabrication techniques, you can start creating all kinds of wonderful products.

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