4 Key Design Elements When Creating an In-Store Product Display

4 Key Design Elements When Creating an In-Store Product Display

Drawing customers’ attention to products in your retail outlet is not as simple as setting aside some space on a shelf in the appropriate department, placing the products there and hoping customers purchase them when they see them. Hope is not a strategy, and attempting to use it as one is a recipe for disaster. If you want your products to get people’s attention, you need to have a plan in place. Here are four key design elements you should be sure you incorporate when you are creating an in-store product display:


If you want to move products off your shelves and into consumers’ homes, you need to make your merchandise highly visible to everyone who enters your space. No matter how enticing and useful a product may be, it will be difficult for you to sell it to anyone if it is too difficult for them to find. Satisfying your customers’ demands as best you can should be one of your top priorities, especially if you want to be able to keep the lights on, so you should make things easy for them.


Designing a display that appeals to customers is more of an art than a science. If you want to elevate your products both literally and figuratively, Perspex displays are the perfect way to do so. They will allow you to get your product off the shelf and at a level where customers’ eyes will be trained to look.

Attention to Detail

Having a sloppy in-store product display is almost as bad as having no display at all. Group your product displays together in a logical, aesthetically pleasing manner that shows you put thought into how they are being presented to the people you want to buy them. Take the time to think through all the details for each separate product’s display before you start setting them up. Believe it or not, your customers are probably perceptive enough to notice and appreciate the effort you put into your displays’ details. Those who do notice will often reward you for the time and effort you expended by making a purchase or two.


4 Key Design Elements When Creating an In-Store Product Display

Physical Product Placement

Physical product placement and visibility go hand in hand. If customers can see a product but not access it easily, it almost may as well not be there at all. Put your product displays in areas of your space where customers will be able to get their hands on the products without much or preferably any assistance.

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