A Guide to Technology for Small Business Owners in 2020

A Guide to Technology for Small Business Owners in 2020

Are you running a small business? If so, then you are probably interested in technology for small business owners.

Every year new technology from 5G smartphones to new additions to the internet of things is released which can transform the way we do business. Already, there is no need for us to have a physical office. Many businesses can run entirely online now.

Here’s everything you need to know about technology for small business owners and how it can improve your business.

Digital Banks

Digital banks like Revolut and Monzo are operated entirely from a smartphone. They also have business options for SMEs and sole traders and work with mobile payment platforms such as Apple Pay for an entirely virtual experience.

What’s great about them is that there are no foreign transaction fees so you can deal with multiple currencies for free. This makes it easier to have clients all around the world. You can also move your money into a different currency if you feel that the U.S Dollar is currently weak against certain currencies.

Another great feature of digital banks is the ability to be able to take pictures of receipts for expenses and store them in the app itself.

Now, there is no need for your employees to have to hold onto receipts for weeks or even months and to file them in physical form.

Video Conferencing

As we have seen recently with the Coronavirus, video conferencing is of great importance to businesses. It allows businesses to stay in touch with their workers and clients no matter what happens.

Services such as Skype and Facebook Messenger have always been the go-to apps for video-calls but now Zoom also makes things a little bit easier. This is a great technology for small businesses to utilize.

Internet Of Things

The internet of things is a new concept in terms of technology in businesses but it will eventually turn us into interconnected workers. It means all of the devices in a home are interconnected using the internet. For example, if you have a smart home assistant, you can ask it to run you a bath, close your blinds or even boil you a kettle.

But how can the internet of things help your business? If you have a physical office it can ensure that you can keep it more secure. These smart business security systems allow you to keep track of who is coming into your office at any given time.

This is tech in business at its best.

Technology for Small Business Owners is Improving All of the Time

Every year technology for small business owners improves enabling you to do more with your business and make a bigger profit. Video conferencing services such as Zoom and Skype allows businesses to dispense with the need for a physical office or 9-5 employees. Instead, your team can now work remotely.

The roll-out of 5G technology in 2020 and 2021 will give us lightening fast internet connections on our mobile phones. This enables us to make better use of the internet of things to improve business security.

If you are interested in reading more about technology for small business owners or technology in businesses, be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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