A Quick Guide on How to Organize Your Office

A Quick Guide on How to Organize Your Office

Did you know the average employee loses 9 days a year due to sickness, some of which could be a result of poor workplace hygiene?

You shouldn’t be losing productivity hours because of something that you’ve complete control over.

It’s simple, really. Keeping your office organized is key to good workplace hygiene and higher productivity. However, considering our busy schedules and lack of proper skills, organizing an office properly is easier said than done.

If you’re struggling to organize your office and keep it that way, we’re here to help.

Continue reading for a few tips and hacks.

Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

Whether yours is a home office or a traditional office, you’re bound to collect lots of files, appliances, and other items over time. Before you know it, your office is more of a store than a place where you get work done.

This is why the first step to organizing your office is to purge all unnecessary items. If you don’t, your office organization efforts will be an exercise in futility.

Set enough time for this much-needed purge. You don’t want to start and leave the job halfway because you’ve to attend to another matter.

Comb through the office; everywhere from the filing cabinets to desk drawers, shelves, and binders, and unearth all unnecessary things. Trash what needs to be trashed and store valuable items elsewhere. You could even donate some to charity.

If there are large quantities of trash, you can hire Dirt Cheap Rubbish Removal to take of its disposal.

Establish a Cleaning Schedule

Organizing an office isn’t just about ensuring your desk looks tidy and files well arranged on shelves and cabinets. It’s also about ensuring the roof, windows, walls and the floor are squeaky clean.

Cleaning isn’t most people’s favorite activity but it needs to be done. If yours is a small office and you can DIY, establish a cleaning schedule and stick to it. An effective hack is to clean up at day end so that you can wake up to a fresh office the next day.

If the office is large, perhaps get into a contractual agreement with an office cleaning service provider.

Reorganize Furniture and Equipment in the Office

You don’t have unlimited space in your office. You must find an optimal way to utilize the space you have.

If your office still feels cluttered even after purging and cleaning up, it’s probably because your furniture and equipment aren’t laid out efficiently. Now is the best time to reorganize the space.

Focus on creating zones, such as work zone, reading zone, etc., instead of cluttering everything close together.  

Go Paperless

Paper, as you’d expect, is the #1 cause of clutter in most offices.

Even in the new age, we’re always printing stuff, always receiving mail.

Paper has its super benefits, no doubt, but if you want to keep your office organized, go paperless – or at least significantly the amount of paper you use in the office.

Less paper means less need for physical filing systems, which means you might do away with those space-eating cabinets.

Organize Your Office

An organized space really means an organized mind. And such a mind is good for getting the work done. With this guide, you now know how to organize your office and do more.

Keep reading our blog for more office tips and hacks.


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