Choose the Right Power Wheelchair for Your Mobility Needs

Choose the Right Power Wheelchair for Your Mobility Needs

Heavy-duty Power Wheelchairs

These chairs are designed to cater to the mobility needs of those who are over 300lb. Heavy-duty power wheelchairs consist of a secure frame, wider caster, broader wheels, and wider seating space to support the chair with the user’s weight. The maximum weight capacity for these types of chairs ranges from 450 lb. to 1,000 lb.

Full-size Power Wheelchairs

A full-size power drive tends to be the best option for those who spend most of the time in the chair. As the name suggests, these chairs feature larger seats, wider armrests, and larger footrests. They have more padded seats to ensure maximum comfort for users. Another notable feature of full-size power wheelchairs is a larger battery which allows users to travel to long-distance places.


Almost every power wheelchair type has some controllers to help users control the gadget according to their mobility needs. Generally, a joystick and a keypad are common controllers for these devices that control various functions of a chair. These include controlling speed, adjusting the degree of horn and recline, and many others.

Most models need continuous pressure to function and stop when you lift the pressure from the control. Other types of controllers designed to serve different physical conditions of the user include head control, foot control, chin control, speech control, and sip & puff.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to power wheelchairs, they are available in three main drive systems .i.e. front-wheel drive, mid-wheel drive, and rear-wheel drive. Choosing the right Chicagoland power mobility devices is essential to benefit from the purpose these aids are made for. People should be liberated by their gadgets so they can roam around and perform their everyday chores as much easily & quickly in a wheelchair as possible.

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