Coronavirus: 5 Practical Tips for Managing an Office from Home

Coronavirus: 5 Practical Tips for Managing an Office from Home

With the coronavirus pandemic in full swing, many businesses are scrambling to make the necessary changes to remain in operation. One effective method, particularly for those with an office-based company, is to let employees work from home.

Yet, for this to be a success, numerous points need to be taken into consideration. Below are five practical tips for managing an office from home.

Getting employees adjusted

For many, working permanently from home is going to be a massive culture shock. It’s a sudden change that has been dropped on employees. It’s one that could last for a few months, at least. Plus, there is the possibility they also have to deal with a house full of family members, all while trying to maintain a full-time job.

Thankfully, there are steps employees can take to become adjusted to the situation. Here are a few tips to ensure your workforce remains productive and motivated:

  • A designated workspace: For remote employees, trying to separate their home and work lives is going to be a challenge. To help with this, one method they can utilize is to have a designated workspace. Ideally, this would be in a separate room free from other distractions – but this isn’t an ideal world. Yet a corner space can also work well.
  • The right equipment: You have to ensure your employees all have the necessary equipment to complete their work from home. This means they need desktops or laptops that are up to the job. Headsets or a high-quality microphone can help avoid communication problems. A comfortable office chair will also keep them free from aches and pains.
  • Encourage regular breaks: Getting up and taking a regular break from staring at a computer screen should be encouraged. One way of doing this is following the Pomodoro Technique, where work is done in 25-minute portions before having a five-minute break.
  • Avoid procrastination: Procrastination is an issue workers will often face, but this is exemplified in a house full of distractions. From avoiding a TV on in the background to turning off social media notifications, recommend ways for staff members to remain focused on their work.
  • Dressing for the occasion: It may seem like a trivial point, but getting dressed for work – even if it is only at home – will enhance the state of mind of your employees. They don’t have to wear standard business attire, either. Simply going for a shower and putting on jeans and a t-shirt can make a big psychological difference.

Utilize the cloud

Remote work isn’t conducive to sharing physical documents. You will require the ability to distribute documents across the internet, and this is where cloud computing comes into play.

When it comes to using the cloud, businesses can benefit in several ways, including:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Lowered costs and the possibility of downtime
  • Data is secure
  • It is easy to scale
  • It prevents data loss

When looking for a provider, PaperSave features specialized cloud solutions to improve automation and efficiency for businesses.

Communicate, communicate, communicate

When it comes to managing a remote team, communication is essential for ensuring projects are done right and completed on time. You need to keep your employees in the loop about any work changes, and they will often require guidance or advice when dealing with tasks.

The good news is there are plenty of tools available that make remote communication a breeze. Although rather than sticking with email and social media, you should implement the following:

  • Video conferencing: With the assistance of video conferencing, you can continue to meet employees ‘face to face’. It might not seem that important, but being able to see people can supply a huge psychological boost. It’s also a great way of conducting meetings with multiple people involved. A number of video conferencing tools are available, including Google Hangouts, Skype, and Zoom.
  • Workplace messaging apps: These apps combine the practicality of email with the convenience of instant messaging. They are ideal for quick communication and remaining in regular contact with the entire workforce, where inquiries can be fired out and answered in an instant. Again, there are various options to go with when choosing a workplace messaging app, with the likes of Slack, Zinc, and Microsoft Teams being among the most popular.

Staying safe

With employees working from home, there is an increased risk they will become victim to some form of cybercrime. You cannot oversee everything they do, and this could leave important business files in a vulnerable position.

There are, however, several steps you can take to keep workers – and files – safe:

  • Secure home Wi-Fi: At the very least, each employee has to utilize a strong password for their home Wi-Fi. However, there are various other steps they can take to prevent hackers from gaining access.
  • Keep software updated: Cybercriminals are always looking for exploits, and these can often be found in outdated software. As a result, employees need to keep all mobile and desktop software up-to-date.
  • Install antivirus software: It’s a given, but every worker has to utilize a reputable antivirus software package.
  • Utilize a VPN: With a Virtual Private Network, employees will be able to securely access files and sensitive information that are shared by your company.

Maintain a schedule

When everyone is working in different locations, it can be difficult to get all employees to be on the same page. They might have had defined working hours when working from the office, but it’s a different ballgame when based at home.

Because of this, it is essential that you maintain a schedule for everyone to follow. This starts by sticking to your regular work hours. To guarantee employees are around and ready to work, you could host a video conferencing meeting each morning, and follow this up with a quick review after lunch.

Further help can be delivered in the form of project management apps. Whether you use Basecamp, Trello, or any of the other options out there, these tools make it simple to set tasks, monitor your employees, and adhere to deadlines.

Ultimately, having a set schedule for everyone to follow will enhance productivity levels, while also giving employees some form of structure in these unprecedented times.


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