How Smart Car Dealerships Use Promotional Materials to Boost Sales

How Smart Car Dealerships Use Promotional Materials to Boost Sales


When it comes to boosting sales in the automotive industry, some of the smartest car dealerships have mapped out an effective blueprint for everyone to follow.

While it used to be about big banners and full-page ads in the paper, the best way to use your promotional budget has certainly changed. One thing that will always be true for car dealerships is that the success of your business depends on bringing potential customers to your lot.

So what is the best way to do that in 2020? Here are some of the best promotional materials to boost sales.

Utilize video advertising

One of the best ways to get people interested about your dealerships and the cars on your lot is to invest in video advertising. In fact, 90 percent of consumers say that video marketing directly impacts their eventual buying decisions. As a car dealership, you can take advantage of video to grab attention on social media and target potential customers.

Videos are a great way to build trust as well. If the people you feature in your video content are friendly and authentic, it will definitely encourage potential customers to come check out your lot in person.

Build online trust through reviews

One of the most important ways that businesses can gain notoriety and reputation is through online review sites such as Google and Yelp. In fact, many companies even go so far as to encourage customers to review their products or services by offering discounts, rewards or other benefits.

While discounting the final sale of a car for a Yelp review may be pushing it, you could definitely offer some kind of gift card, Auto Dealer Supplies, special offer, or raffle in return for one. Building out a solid base of positive reviews is a major way to encourage potential customers to come to your lot and boost sales.

It’s also a major way to beat out your competitors when it comes to sales. If a potential customer is trying to decide to go to your dealership or one of your competitors, chances are good that online reviews will play a major role in their final decision.

Invest in local SEO

This is something that you should already be doing, but if you are not, make sure to get started on investing in local search engine optimization.

What local SEO means is that you are putting emphasis on ranking in Google search engine results pages that are specific to the area that you operate in. While it certainly helps your site’s strength to rank nationally, ranking locally is going to have the biggest impact on your actual sales.

The best way to optimize your business is to hire a professional or work with a trusted SEO agency that will be able to tell you exactly who to start working towards ranking locally. Getting that No. 1 spot in valuable SERPS is simply one of the very best things you can do to boost sales.

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