Why Should You Go Looking For Clenbuterol for Sale

Why Should You Go Looking For Clenbuterol for Sale

Financial advisors may tell you that the best investment is a tangible asset. Specifically, one that involves massive cash and funds. But in reality, the best investment is an intangible property that is guaranteed to last for a lifetime. One that involves little to no risk; one that is available for every social class; and one that increases its value over time. This investment is called good health.

As people navigate this journey called life, they slowly realize the true meaning of the age-old saying, “Health is wealth”. With the latest innovations in place, people have every opportunity to work on their health and achieve wellness (read more).

Aside from regular exercise, there are now diet pills and ketogenic meal plans to quickly lose weight and achieve physical fitness. But, there is also a magic pill that not only reduces your weight, it also builds your physique.

Clenbuterol has earned a popularity award in the field of sports. Some people may view it negatively due to its being abused by professional athletes. But, do not let the controversies hinder you from knowing its medical uses.

What is clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol is a long-acting beta 2 agonist drug primarily developed for veterinary use. It acts as a decongestant and bronchodilator for animals experiencing airway or lung obstruction.

Later on, the drug was further developed to be an alternative treatment for patients with bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, the US banned clenbuterol due to its potential for abuse and misuse. It has also been found to be incorporated in street drugs such as heroin.

European and Latin American countries legally sell the drug in liquid form, provided that you have the proper prescription. You can buy Clenbuterol outside the US, and on some online pharmacies.

How does it work?

Clenbuterol is dubbed as a “steroid-like” substance due to its ability to increase the body’s muscle mass. As it is not an anabolic steroid, it does not have the dreaded androgenic effects that influence the development of the primary and secondary male sex characteristics. This includes the enlargement of male organs, voice maturation, hair growth, and aggressiveness.

When administered, Clenbuterol has several mechanisms of action to the body.

  • It acts upon the central nervous system and induces an effect similar to a catecholamine substance. As it activates the b2-adrenoreceptors, the body’s smooth muscles will relax, dilating the bronchi as well as the uterus. It will also increase the body’s blood pressure and heart rate.
  • B2-adrenoceptors located in the adipose tissues are involved in lipolysis. As it is activated by the drug, rapid fat burning will ensue. There is also speculation that fat reduction happens simultaneously with muscle building. There is also an increase in excitability, body energy, and nervousness.
  • Clenbuterol promotes an increase in the production of muscle protein. Thus, increasing the muscle fiber size and its strength. Unlike anabolic steroids, it induces muscular hypertrophy—an increase in the muscle cell size instead of an increase in its cell number.
  • Another one is its insulin-enhancing effect on the pancreas. The activated receptors increase insulin secretion to help the muscles consume glucose.

What are its medical uses?

1.   Skeletal muscle wasting

Muscle wasting is a disease caused by muscle injury, long-term inactivity, aging, and chronic diseases. It is usually due to the decrease in muscle protein synthesis. As well as a significant decrease in its fiber’s strength and flexibility.

It is a normal phenomenon for muscles to atrophy when not used. Individuals who are over 80 years of age experience a 40 percent decline in muscle mass. But, there are also instances where muscle wasting is involuntary such as during viral infections and terminal illnesses.

Muscle wasting is a detrimental condition. As they atrophy, denervation will eventually happen, causing full body immobility.

Doctors found the effects of clenbuterol to help treat muscle wasting syndrome. Its positive effects on skeletal muscle include an increase in protein kinase activity. This enzyme promotes protein synthesis and fast contractile action. It also preserves muscular strength and power.

2.   Bronchial asthma

The first medical use of this drug is to relieve asthmatic symptoms and discomfort. It acts upon the b2 adrenergic receptors located in the bronchial musculature. It dilates the bronchial muscles and tubes to allow air to enter the lungs.

Studies showed that Clenbuterol potentiates the action of salbutamol. Thus, bringing significant comfort to patients with asthma.

3.   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COPD is a chronic lung disease associated with the presence of mucus or damage in the lungs. It is characterized by intensive cough, mucus production, breathing difficulty, and wheezing.

The ventilator function of clenbuterol made it a primary candidate to relieve the symptoms of COPD. Unfortunately, human trials are still under clinical studies. But, clinical trials on horses with COPD showed improved lung function and enhanced athletic performance.

What are its adverse effects?

It is a banned substance in the US for a reason. But, people have found ways to procure it without an appropriate prescription. What was supposed to be a useful drug became a harmful one due to human’s wrongful ways.

A fitness enthusiast who abuses the muscle-enhancing properties and lipolytic effects of clenbuterol can experience the following adverse effects.

  • Atrial fibrillation and tachycardia
  • An abnormal increase in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Elevated troponin
  • Hyperkalemia and hyperglycemia
  • Chest pains and tremor
  • Anxiety and intensive sweating

Persistent use of the drug after experiencing the above effects may lead to a sudden heart attack within 24 hours of abusive consumption.

The illicit use of clenbuterol to increase animal lean meat may also have serious side effects when consumed by humans. Researches showed several confirmed cases of death due to clenbuterol-induced food poisoning.

Also, the drug contains a substance similar to the effects of dopamine, making it highly addictive to users.

Dosage and contraindications

People under the medication of clenbuterol should strictly follow their doctor’s prescription. For its medical use, the recommended dosage should only be between 0.02 to 0.03 mg per day. For weight loss purposes, the recommended dosage is between 0.06 and 0.12 mg per day. The drug comes in inhaler, liquid, and tablet form.



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