6 Things a Project Manager Needs to Work from Home

6 Things a Project Manager Needs to Work from Home


Working as a project manager is an exciting yet challenging job at the best of times even when you have your go-to office team around you. So, how do you deal with keeping an eye on the ball when working from home?

Here are 6 things project management training advises you need to get the job done whilst keeping a professional (and sane!) head on your shoulders.

An organised space

Project managers are usually involved with different facets of different projects at the same time and it can easy to feel “scattered”. A separate office space is ideal, if you have the space, and a tidy desk is a tidy mind. So, whiteboards are a must to have a visual representative of where you are at any one time as is a cork board where you can pin those important documents. Good lighting and fresh air will help with concentration too and perhaps a lock on the door too! Don’t forget a little office greenery either – there are certain health benefits to having a few office plants around.


Separating work and home life is necessary for best working practices and our mental health especially if you find it difficult to “switch off”. Even if your office space needs to be in your living room – a simple room divider can help you literally draw the line between office and leisure time. As can wearing smarter clothes (and shoes!) whilst you are working instead of being tempted to work in your PJs.

Human interaction

We humans are social creatures and in the office – whether we are aware of it or not – we are constantly surrounded by people. It may feel like bliss for a while to be by yourself, but you may soon find yourself climbing the walls unless you regularly keep in touch with both work colleagues and personal friends to keep you and other family members sane. There are plenty of platforms for you to do so – perhaps look at Skype and Zoom for example.

A break (or two)

Even though you have the leisure of being able to work from home you still need a change of scene to recharge your batteries so whether that’s a walk around the block or a trip to the local coffee shop (you can still take your laptop with you!) – you still need to feel part of society.

Technology and training

Investing in a wireless keyboard, mouse and printer will cut down on unnecessary cables to give you more workable space. It can also be beneficial to consider project management courses – after all – working from home can be considered an art form!

A flexible approach

There is no need to feel selfish if you work flexi-time, play with the dog in the garden or get some laundry done in between your tasks for the day! Whatever helps ease the pressures of a combined work/home life will make you a happier person and a more productive project manager too!

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