CBD vs. THC: Understanding The Medicinal Properties

CBD vs. THC: Understanding The Medicinal Properties

Whether you are hoping to utilize the medical benefits of the cannabis plant or you are planning on using it as a recreational consumable, every cannabis enthusiast should know the difference between the plants’ sister compounds, CBD and THC. While most of us know that THC is the compound that will influence your mental state and that CBD will not, it really is a bit more complicated than just that.

Even though science has uncovered well over a hundred cannabidiol compounds in the cannabis plant, CBD and THC are the most prominent. These compounds interact with receptors in the body and provide varied physiological effects. However, the following explains the different medical benefits of these two significant compounds in a simplistic manner. Here’s what you should know about CBD vs. THC.

CBD Specifics

CBD may not be able to provide cannabis users with a sense of euphoria. However, the compound is capable of working on different elements of the body to enhance a sense of well-being. As a result, high-quality CBD products can be used to treat a vast and diverse range of health conditions. Some of the most popular reasons for reaping the medicinal properties of CBD include relief from arthritis pain, treating multiple sclerosis, easing migraines, and even soothing and treating a lengthy list of skin ailments. In addition to this, CBD oil is also a popular natural treatment for epilepsy as the compound can reduce the severity and frequency of epileptic attacks.

If you are searching for quality CBD topical creams and ointments, Rave Reviews list the best products to help narrow down your search. When using CBD oils and capsules, it is vital to understand that low dosages are best as daily dosages that exceed 70mg may cause liver damage according to research. However, CBD topicals do not raise any concerns for adverse effects regardless of the dosage or frequency of applications.

THC Specifics

While THC is best known for its abilities as a psychoactive compound, providing a sense of euphoria is not all this extract can do. When used medically, THC can assist with an array of conditions that range from mild to severe pain, nerve pain, symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, nausea, and glaucoma. However, THC also provides other benefits such as boosted mental functions and improved memory.

While CBD works in the body to relieve inflammation, among other things, THC mainly influences receptors in the brain, impacting how we feel. Therefore, THC may be best for blocking sensations of extreme pain. At the same time, CBD is capable of treating the core of the problem by acting as a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

Sister Compounds That Work Best Together

Even though CBD isolate oils have extreme health benefits to give and THC is also able to function and provide benefits as a stand-alone compound extract, these two sister compound of the cannabis plant work best in unison. This is because together they can provide an entourage effect, which maximizes all the benefits to your health.

Therefore, if you are hoping to use CBD oil for health benefits, it is best to opt for a full-spectrum formulation. However, if you are hoping to avoid any sort of euphoric feeling, a broad-spectrum CBD extract is best. Broad-spectrum is less processed than pure CBD isolate, although THC is removed during the initial extraction.

Best Methods Of Use For Medical Use

There’s hardly any need to explain the best recreational methods of cannabis use, although, when using cannabis extracts for medical reasons, the method of use can impact your experience. If you are hoping to use a full-spectrum CBD oil to treat insomnia, it is best to opt for capsules as they best allow dosage control. Capsules are the easiest way to control dosages as other methods such as edibles and tinctures can be hard to control.

On the other hand, inhalent oils would be the most suitable solutions for relief of anxiety as the impacts are almost immediate. Inhalants are beneficial for conditions such as anxiety, stress, and even pain symptoms for those who require fast relief.

Before using any CBD or THC product, it is always best to speak to your healthcare practitioner to establish a suitable and safe dosage. Unfortunately, science is yet to provide strict guidelines for dosage according to the reason for use. It is best to speak to a healthcare practitioner to establish existing medical conditions and medications and how they may interact with CBD and THC.

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