Flat Roofing: Here’s Why Most Apartment Buildings Use It

Flat Roofing: Here's Why Most Apartment Buildings Use It

In 2016 alone, more than 36 percent of households rented their homes and that number just keeps rising. This is great news for apartment building owners looking to attract new tenants.

Though more people are renting than buying homes, large apartment buildings are still the most common type of rental. Many of those buildings have one thing in common: they rely on flat roofing to keep their units dry and safe.

Flat roofs are a wonderful alternative to more traditional pitched roofs and if you’re building or renovating an apartment complex, they’re worth the investment. Here’s why they’re such a popular choice.

Flat Roofing Is Affordable

For apartment owners, finding ways to cut back on their budgets is always key. The more money you can save, the better it is for the business.

Flat roofing makes it much easier. Not only is the system affordable to install, but it’s affordable to maintain. As components get damaged, your roofing team can repair them quickly.

The surface is almost completely flat. This means roofers can access their tools quickly and won’t have to spend time worrying about the extensive safety precautions they need to take with other pitched roofs.

The less time they have to spend making those repairs, the less money you’ll spend on labor and the more money you’ll save in the long-run. That high-speed repair time also cuts down on interruptions to your business and your tenants’ lives.

It’s Easy to Maintain

Flat and rolled roofing systems are incredibly easy to maintain between professional inspections and repair appointments. Your facility maintenance crew will be able to handle most of the tasks as long as they have access to the roof itself.

As debris collects on the surface, your team can brush it off or collect it and dispose of it properly. If snow covers the surface or you start to worry about ice forming on the materials, they can shovel it off. They’ll be able to keep the gutters clean, inspect the protective flashing, and make sure the building’s siding is in good condition without a problem.

These simple tasks can help keep the roof in good condition for longer stretches of time, further reducing your need to call your roofer for repairs.

Over time and as your team starts to become familiar with the roof, they’ll be able to spot minor repair issues before they have a chance to cause serious damage. This helps you preserve the entire system’s integrity and can save you money on repairs in the future.

Keep in mind that regular roof inspections are key. Your roofing contractor will offer this service and can help you decide on the right inspection schedule for your building.

Flat Roofs Free Up Ground Space

Apartment buildings and communities rely on curb appeal to market the property to prospective tenants. When the exterior of the building has beautiful landscaping surrounding it, the property stands out in tenants’ minds. However, when the outside of the building has equipment around it, the property will look junky.

With pitched roofs, you don’t have any other choice. Air conditioning condensers need to sit at ground level. Otherwise, they won’t work properly.

If you have a flat roof, you’ll free up the space around your buildings’ exteriors. This means you’re free to add landscaping elements or just improve access to units.

Large components like air conditioners and swamp coolers can sit on the roof itself. Even better, they’ll be hard to see when tenants walk up to the building, making your property look far nicer.

Gives Tenants a Place to Gather

The best way to make an apartment community stand out is to provide tenants with a place to gather and relax. When you’re working with limited space, creating gardens, decks, or even pools can be difficult.

Flat roofs allow you to add those amenities without increasing your building’s footprint. The more amenities you can offer and the more you can make the community feel like home, the better.

All you need to do is discuss your plans with your roofing contractor to make sure it can support the weight. While the structure may need some modifications to bring your vision to life, it’s often easy to do.

It Stands Up to the Elements

Flat roofs naturally shed water when they’re installed correctly. The materials stand up to the elements easily. This means you’re less likely to deal with missing roofing materials after severe weather events.

This helps keep your entire apartment building safer and reduces the wear and tear the rest of the building sees. Remember, leaks can travel out from the roof and down into the siding of the building.

When this happens, you’re in for time-consuming and expensive repairs.

They’re Easy to Install

Every building will eventually need a new roof and the more complicated the roofline is, the more it will cost. Worse, the materials alone can cost thousands of dollars depending on the type of roof you have.

Flat roofs are almost as easy to install as they are to maintain. Your roofing contractor can complete the job quickly so your tenants won’t have to listen to the noise for weeks on end.

Happy tenants mean more lease renewals and more reliable income for the property.

Flat Roofing Is a Great Choice

If you’re looking at revamping your apartment complex or are building one from the ground up, explore the types of roofs common in your area. If the majority of the buildings use flat roofing, it will likely be a great choice for your property.

However, if you’re looking to create a specific aesthetic, you may want to choose a roof that fits a more classic sense of design.

Regardless of the roof you choose, you’ll be able to keep your building safe and in good shape for years to come. If you’re looking for more inspiration to help you transform your commercial property, check out our latest posts.


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