How to Get an ISBN Number for a Self-Published Book?

How to Get an ISBN Number for a Self-Published Book?

For some, getting an ISBN number will sound a bit scary for self-published book, but there is nothing to worry and the process is quite simpler than you think! Suppose you are self-publishing the printed book, best action to take is getting an ISBN as self-published author.

No matter whether if the book was traditionally published or self-published, each printed book requires ISBN, and getting this number is one big step for your publishing attempts. In today’s article, we will take a look at some reasons why getting an ISBN number of self-published book is important.

Wondering how the ISBN number looks like? Don’t worry! See this below image which is nothing but the ISBN number of Sam Haskell’s “Promises I Made My Mother”!

Many writers who have just started their writing journey might have many questions around the topic. Let us clear them all here!

Is it possible for a self-publisher to get ISBN?

Self-publisher is a publisher, yes; you apply for the ISBN like anybody else around. The technique for getting ISBN is same as other publisher or author. The author can purchase the ISBN or get one free from the self-publishing platform.

Let us check out the two ways for getting an ISBN number for the self-published book:

  • First buy ISBN number from regionally-accepted source.
  • Get free ISBN number from self-publishing platform.

In the following post we will cover some important steps to get the ISBN for self-published book. One can buy an ISBN number from reputed sites online. Or, one gets it free from Amazon’s KDP. Suppose you upload to other publishing sites, they may provide you free. So, you need to check out all the options that are available to you.

However, we are going to mention in the post, make sure you have just one ISBN number that is registered for your published book & not multiple ISBN numbers spread over different platforms.

Getting Free ISBNs

It is easy, getting a free ISBN number of the self-published book online. Whereas the free ISBN number may sound really good initially, it will hold your book from the international market. The free ISBN number allows you to sell the book through Amazon and other such services. You will have to buy an ISBN for selling your book in bookstores or to the libraries.

Buying your ISBN number is very much similar to buying one land. You will own your rights to the book, and you will be known as an initial publisher.

Top Reasons to Look at

  • Being set up as the publisher with your ISBN’s means you can access the highest channels for the printing & distribution for publishers. The companies can allow you to print cheaper copies as well as give you an access to the wider distribution. Some company only deals with the publishers and not to the authors directly, but it grants you an access to Ingram, the world’s biggest book distributor
  • It allows you the free access to ‘Books In Print’ where you may change bibliographic information & meta-data for the book’s listing, which is used by the libraries, retailers and distributors across the world
  • You will be eliminating visual cue of the self published author. To be “published by an author name” on Amazon listing, won’t do anything for your credibility. But, to be seen published by the company helps to reduce any appearance of the first time author that instills trust in your potential buyers
  • Getting your ISBN’s with your publishing name will help you to cut down on the middle man, like subsidy presses that have huge markups on the book printing orders as well as cut down percentage of the sales
  • Suppose traditional publishing comes with the back of the self publishing success, then you have total control whether you want to leave or take an offer, without any contracts and ties holding you

Sum Up

When getting an ISBN number you need a new ISBN for each book ‘product’ that you release. It means you require an ISBN number of the print version & another for the Book version. They’re considered as different retail products.

So, it becomes means quite important to forecast and think about how many books you want to publish in future. It is not very cost effective buying only one ISBN & you will go with the packages that are available.

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