You Need To Get Indulged In These Board Games

You Need To Get Indulged In These Board Games

It would be a foolish question to raise, but anyway, what do you all feel during this lockdown? Utterly bored, and tired of watching your ceiling fans rotate and strained your eyes staring up the screens? Well, you got a huge problem but worry not this article got the best solution to your colossal problem. It certainly is sad, how your summers are confined to your cemented four walls and not the water parks or the cinema halls or your favorite picnic spots, but staying indoors is what will protect us, and we solely have to follow it. But let not this pandemic-struck casualty soak away your fun. Sounds ironic right, but worry not keep reading, we engaged you into reading till here. So, why not engage you the whole day into some of the best activities you could indulge in?

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The Ultimate Boredom Kill: Board Games

Well, this might sound too mainstream, but board games can get us through anything, let alone the boredom. The most significant issue of this lockdown is your inability to pass the time and the missing sources of entertainment. Hence, to overcome all these absent entertainment source factors and to spice up your lockdown period, this article suggests the best board games you could busy yourselves into. The board games have been conventionally known to bring families closer and make bonds stronger. So, here are the best and most popular board games you should try.

Pandemic Board Game

Although this game might not be known to a greater audience, you never know what more this year has in store? This pandemic struck lockdown led to people searching for similar kinds of games so they can simply play off their frustrations. Not in reality, but at least this game would provide them a chance to kill off the prevalent disease and protect their realms from the pandemic. And hence, this game got ultra-famous pertaining to around 246,000 searches worldwide in March.


Now, this was the game that people as a child used to detest as it was mainly about strengthening our vocabularies. How our parents and teachers used to emphasize on playing this game, but as dull as it sounded those days, it emerged to be more fascinating than that nowadays. This fascination and return to the world of scrabble what amounted to its extensive search, making it a trend to number one on the internet search.


The game of mighty traders and businesspersons, the game highlighting your wits, and focusing on your decision-making abilities. After all your choices are what necessarily matters in this game, you get your money and a couple of articles and services that you might take, which would decide where you land up at the end.

This was one of the most popular board games we played growing up, and now the second most popular we play growing with the lockdown. The popularity of this game led to around 103 different versions across 37 countries, thus making it clear that this game is unlikely to ever out date.

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