How to Choose the Right Flow Meter for Your Application

How to Choose the Right Flow Meter for Your Application

Flow meters are an essential data collection element in your application, so choosing the right one for the job is crucial. Selecting the wrong supplier could ultimately mean that you lose money is rectifying problems and lose precious time on projects. As flow meters are required to complete intricate jobs, the decision-making process should be a well-thought-out part of getting the right component for your application.

Take a look at some of the main areas to consider when choosing the right flow meter for your application.

Embracing new technology

It can be easier to just go with the parts and suppliers that you know. Still, new technology is essential to many industries. The advances in the flow meter field are also allowing companies to delve into better solutions that also provide value for money. For example, inline ultrasound flow meters previously needed to be re-calibrated every time a new fluid was introduced. They also could not be used if there were any applications where hygiene was a crucial element. However, more recently, choosing an ultrasonic flow meter manufacturer that provides inline examples has solved these issues.

Price should not be the deciding factor

The cheapest is not always the best, and this is evident when choosing a flow meter. If you are using this as criteria, it should be presented in the form of what value do you get for the money. Selecting a cheap, low-quality meter could lead to disaster and cost you more to fix or replace it in the future. While others may be more expensive as an initial investment, you will reap the benefits in the long-term. This factor should also be used to consider the type of maintenance the flow meter or application requires. Components that are easier to maintain and require less downtime will be better value for money in the long run.

Consider the application site

When you choose a flow meter for the application, you will need to consider the location site before purchasing. Several dynamics make up the site, and although you may have the perfect one for the job, if it doesn’t work in the space, you could run into issues.

Experience of suppliers

While there are several fixed factors to consider when choosing a flow meter, there are numerous variables too. This is where having an experienced supplier partnership can help. Teaming up with experts in the field will ensure you choose the right component for your application. Experienced suppliers will know many things about the industry and guide you on new products and different techniques that may be beneficial to you. While experience does matter, new companies coming into the industry shouldn’t be ruled out either. The advancements in technology bring new ideas to the table, which could help your business in the long term. This could also provide an opportunity to create comparisons and experiment with different solutions.

Some of the physical properties you should consider include:

Configuration of the pipes

The configuration of the pipes before and after the flow meter is a crucial factor. This, alongside the length of the straight pipe at the inlet and outlet, is also important. The choice of piping and arrangement could affect the type of flow meter you use.

Size of pipes

The sizing of the pipes used with a flow meter can affect performance. If you have very small tubes, some flow meters may not work adequately for the application. In contrast, pipes that are too large may not measure fluids accurately.

The angle of pipes and flow meter

The space determines the angle of pipes and flow meter. Some flow meters may not work at certain angles, so it’s important to ensure that the alignment of pipes and the meter do not affect its performance.

Pipe material

The piping material can affect a range of factors, such as managing temperature fluctuations, as this can interrupt the temperature of the flow meter. Any interference with the flow can cause issues with your data.

Once you’ve considered the above elements, there are also several specifications to think about, including:

Hygiene factors

If you are using flow meters for industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, and medical sectors, you will need to choose suitable flow meters for sterile conditions.


This factor is naturally one of the most critical aspects. In many cases, people think that all flow meters are accurate as to why would a company makes meters that have any discrepancies. However, there can be differences, as some applications do not require precision compared to other sectors. Not all flow meters are made the same and in the same conditions, so ensuring you have the right component for the application is vital to provide accurate readings for the project.


Where flow meters are used, you will have the need to repeat conditions to get accurate results. The basics of repeatability mean that no matter how many times you repeat a test, you should get the same results. This element only requires consistency and, therefore, does not guarantee accuracy. So, it’s vital to choose one that has accurate repeatability to ensure the results.


Accurately measuring fluid that passes through is also a crucial factor. So, choosing a flow meter that possesses an adequate range but doesn’t compromise any other factors is critical.

Total cost

It’s not only the cost of the flow meter that is a factor to consider when choosing the right one for your application. Several other factors should also be considered to make up the total cost. This includes:

  • Installation of the flow meter and subsequent components
  • Maintenance and calibration costs
  • Repairs or potential replacement costs
  • Running costs such as the electrical demand of the application

Choosing the right flow meter for your application can be an in-depth process. By using the above tips, you can determine the relevant factors for your business and make the best choice every time.

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