5 Immigration Reform Ideas That Would Actually Work

5 Immigration Reform Ideas That Would Actually Work

It seems or experts believe that America needs more immigrants for various purposes, such as some for economic purposes while some other for moral reasons. Fortunately, almost the whole of America believes in this and especially Washington, but there broader thought about it is very different. 

 Some strategies have to be adopted, so I would like you to introduce you to the immigration reform ideas that would actually work by all nature. Although the immigration laws vary from province to province, I know of Atlanta and the immigration law Atlanta is very different from the rest of the world. 

1. Improve Human Capital Stock 

According to many surveys, various countries compete for human capital and the experts say that this is going to increase further in the future. But luckily America has a huge asset of human capital in store for the longest period of time. 

5 Immigration Reform Ideas That Would Actually Work

Human Capital is not indexed in any of the company’s balance sheets yet it is very important for the country, this is what will take the country forward. This also includes assets like training, education, skills, health, and intelligence and it also includes value and loyalty. The idea of human capital says that not all the labors are very equal to inefficiency or by any other means. 

 2. Diversity and Motivation 

Here diversity does not mean ethnic or geographic diversity, here I mean the high skilled immigrants, and this idea is similar to Australia and Canada. Many believe that America is a center of Hippocrates and it seems that the limelight is on the hippies like Steve Jobs but then what is wrong with the bartender or the dry cleaner. Why are they not on the limelight? Hence it is important that fame is equally divided which also means that the people must get equal attention only then immigration would be a success

 3. Recruitment 

The idea of recruitment should change, the one with a good degree must not be recruited instead the one who is a dropout and has to do something better in life. Change the idea of recruitment; do not just check in the boxes, chose out of the box for a better idea, and then the immigration idea would be a success by all means. 

This is not only for America, but it is also for every other country so that most of the people of the country are recruited and most of them are able to work and earn money. This will eventually increase the income of the country and the country and the countrymen will be in a better position. 

 4. Make Working Opportunity 

I think the working opportunity and the working culture is widely spread in America but even then creating, even more, is better. Immigration happens more in America because the demand of the working culture in America is more. Hence the government must create scope for employment of all types of people right from technicians to room cleaners and there should be no difference. 

5 Immigration Reform Ideas That Would Actually Work

 5. Expand Green Cards 

A green card is a lottery but that does not mean that you will have to just depend on green cards only.  It is just a better form of recruitment idea, In many parts of the world people clear for such ideas but they fail to get the opportunity, if you get the scope then utilize it to the fullest possible form. In respect to that, we are pretty unlucky who do not have such a facility. 


It would be wrong if I say that these 5 are the most essential reform ideas but all I can say that they are important. All the changes that come to the world take time and this will too but will need some time. 


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