3 Common Cyber Security Threats Any Small Business Might Face: Are Your Employees Trained to Recognize Them?

3 Common Cyber Security Threats Any Small Business Might Face: Are Your Employees Trained to Recognize Them?

Each business, no matter if it is small, medium, or large, is at risk for cybersecurity threats. In fact, companies are often the first target for cybercriminals who are always working to improve their tactics to help bypass the latest and most recent security measures.

An effective way to avoid a business becoming a victim of cybercrime is by investing in Managed IT Services. Getting to know the most common causes of cybercrime is also beneficial. Keep reading to learn what these are.

Understanding Cybersecurity Risks

Remember, it does not know what the size of the business is. Any enterprise or company that deals with money and that has access to customer data can be a target. However, most small and medium-sized businesses are considered more vulnerable to a hack because they do not have the resources to put into cybersecurity.

A cyber attack usually results in lost money, but it can also cause a loss of data, which can impact a company’s reputation. That is why knowing the most common causes of cyberattacks is best.

1. Phishing Attacks

A common and damaging threat to any business is phishing attacks. With this type of attack, cybercriminals try to gather sensitive information by pretending they are someone else.

The attack typically begins with a malicious link that has been sent to someone (usually an employee) through SMS, email, or another method. If the individual clicks the link or downloads the content, the sender will gain access to credentials, account details, and other sensitive information.

A phishing attack is dangerous because there is no operating system that is totally safe from it. The best way to reduce the possibility of a phishing attack is to use the right safety measures. Also, ensure employees are appropriately trained on how to identify them.

2. Ransomware

Each year, there are thousands of businesses that fall victim to ransomware. This type of cyber attack is to block access to data or a computer system. This is done by encrypting the information. Just as the name implies, the nefarious individual will gain access to all the business data and hold it “hostage” until the requested ransom has been paid.

A good way to avoid this issue is by backing up all data. It is also a good idea to implement Endpoint Protection across all the devices used in the business.

3. Threats from Insiders

Each business is at risk of insider threats from a careless or disgruntled employee. If someone in the organization becomes disappointed or frustrated, the discontent may cause intentional damage to the business network. In some situations, former business associates or employees who have access to sensitive data may cause harm because of greed or another reason. This is why carelessness and ignorance of workers can have serious consequences. To minimize these issues, businesses need to monitor for any suspicious or unusual activity on an ongoing basis.

Preventing Serious Losses

If a business wants to prevent serious losses to their business data and information, they should implement the right training for their employees. This will help ensure that no serious breaches occur and that all sensitive information remains private and protected. Being informed is the best way to ensure the desired results are achieved.

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