Cultivating a Safe Business: 6 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Visitor Pass System

Cultivating a Safe Business: 6 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Visitor Pass System

In 2020 with the introduction of additional health and safety concerns, workplaces need to keep track of visitors and employees.

This is especially the case if you are dealing with a customer-facing industry, or you have regular guests or visitors.

In this article, we will explain the 6 ways to improve your visitor pass system in your own workplace. We can offer you helpful advice on how to make your visitor system safer for everyone concerned.

It’s important that your employees and staff feel comfortable and safe when returning to the office. Read on to find out more.

1. Use Visitor Management Software 

The introduction of visitor management software to a company can completely overhaul preexisting visitor systems. It means that a receptionist or front-of-house staff member doesn’t need to come into unnecessary physical contact with visitors. 

A system can be set up so that your employees aren’t put at risk of having to come into contact with outside visitors and potentially expose themselves to any virus risks or germs.

It still allows the security and the safety procedures to be in place however the sign-in system is done remotely. Any visitors are still able to access all the sign-in information they require, however it is done through a system as opposed to relayed by a person. 

2. Introduces a Paperless System 

One way in which sign-in procedures can be dangerous for employees or visitors is the handling of sign-in sheets and pens. These kinds of contact points in the workplace can put people at risk, due to the number of visitors touching the same surface with their hands. 

The coronavirus has been reported to live on some paper and plastics for up to seven days. Visitor management software ensures that outdated systems such as pen and paper records are replaced and that it’s a safer method of cataloging visitors.  

It’s also effective in terms of ecological reasons, meaning you won’t be using hundreds of unnecessary sheets of paper each year for your sign-in sheets. 

3. Provides Better Security and Methods of Logging Visitors

Having an online visitor management system means that employee and visitor data is stored more securely and in one place. If there is ever an issue or an emergency it means that the records can be accessed quickly without having to consult reams of paper or sign in badges. 

It can save valuable time and energy with an easy to consult and locate interface system. It means that there is no chance that any of the data collected will be misplaced or at risk of being misused for deviant purposes. 

If you have repeat visitors or vendors that you meet with regularly, you can even streamline their sign-in process. You can update your software to recognize repeat visitors and have them on a designated list to make the process swifter and easier for them.

This can be handy if you are in a workplace that has additional health and safety concerns such as working in a warehouse or with machinery.

4. Can Use Visitor Data to Identify Trends

The great thing about visitor management software is you can use that data to identify certain patterns and trends. For example, when is the busiest time of day for visitors to check-in? Or are there certain days when the workplace is busier than others?

You can correlate and check through the data and use that information to anticipate behavior and trends accordingly. It means you are more prepared to receive and welcome visitors in those identified busy periods.

For example, if you know that Tuesdays between 12.00 PM – 1.00 PM are busy times perhaps you can suggest to your employees to take their lunches at a slightly later or earlier time. This can ensure that you have enough staff on site to welcome any clients or vendors.

5. Track Any Unsuitable Behavior or Visitors 

It’s not something that workplaces want to think about, however, there may be certain people that you don’t want on the premises due to past behavior. A visitor management system can create lists of people that you don’t want onsite or in your building.

This can aid with the safety of your employees and ensures that you don’t have anyone wandering around that shouldn’t be there. The system can pick up the names of anyone who isn’t authorized and can make the company aware that they are in the workplace.

This can also be used retroactively if you have had any suspicious behavior or theft in your workplace. You can use the information from the log-in data to identify anyone who could have had a hand in the disruption. 

6. Notifies Employees that a Visitor Is on Their Way 

More often than not, analog reception systems might not inform an employee that a visitor is on their way to see them. With visitor management software an employee can be sent a notification to their phone that someone is coming to visit.

This is especially important in 2020 so that the employee can take any hygiene preventative measures such as disinfecting any surfaces or washing their hands. It gives them enough time to safely prepare any conference rooms and to ensure that everything is sterile. 

How to Improve Your Visitor Pass System: What Next?

We hope this article on the 6 ways you can improve your visitor pass system has given you enough information on providing a safe environment.

Visitor management software can solve so many issues in regards to employee safety whilst still offering a robust amount of security. You don’t want to compromise on security as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. And with visitor management software, you don’t have to. 

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