Employing a Strategy Based on Statistics against Slots

Employing a Strategy Based on Statistics against Slots

Aside from the outrageous amount of fun that we can all have on gambling games, they are interesting for a completely different reason, and that is all down to the concepts of probability, statistics and mathematics – visit King Casino. You see, the very concept of gambling is completely and utterly linked with that of probability, and the most successful gamblers will use mathematics and statistics in order to help themselves win as much money as possible. 

Just consider the art of blackjack card counting, for instance, a technique that experienced blackjack players use in order to win almost every hand they play. This technique is completely wrapped up in the mathematical principles of statistics and probability, and it just goes to show how useful these things can be to the art of gambling. Employing a strategy based on statistics against slots is also something that can be done relatively easily, you just need to know how. Read on to find out! 

Using RTP (Return To Player) to your advantage 

By far the most useful strategy to employ based on statistics against slots is using a vital piece of information that goes by the name of RTP. This stands for Return To Player, and it is a percentage value that indicates the average amount that gamblers can expect to see back from their overall stake on any given slot during a gambling session. As you can probably imagine, this is an insanely useful tool to find an online slot game to play. 

The average RTP in the modern online slots industry today is usually quoted at around 96%, so it is a good idea to try and find online slot games with RTP scores that are higher than this. Of course, this isn’t going to guarantee you jackpot wins, but it can go a long way in helping you secure some tasty online slot gambling wins. 

How to bet in regard to slot volatility and variance 

Another great strategy to employ based on statistics against slots is to do with something called slot volatility or variance. This concept basically points to the ease at which gamblers can win big with big bet amounts, or conversely win small with lots of small bet amounts. It is vital to get to grips with this before you start spending big money on slots, because you might be doing it all wrong. 

High variance slots are built for high rollers who love taking risks, and on these slots it makes much more sense to bet big rather than small. On the other hand are low variance slots that are better suited to gamblers on a small budget as they are built to offer lots of small wins off of small bet amounts. 

Counting the average number of spins between wins 

One tactic that some experienced online slot gamblers like to use involves counting the average number of spins between each win, and then betting accordingly.

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