Need Phishing Protection for Office 365? Try These

Need Phishing Protection for Office 365? Try These


A report by DBIR mentions that 94% of malware was sent by email. We cannot imagine a day without email. But, it has been an appealing target of scammers. 

For years, tech giants have been trying to develop effective anti-phishing systems. Microsoft successively has improved its phishing protection Office 365. In this anti phishing protection Microsoft includes some default features to defend against common phishing attacks. They are quite easy to implement as well. In this article, we are sharing some protection Office 365 features to try. Let’s check them out.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is a type of cyber attack which is conducted very cleverly. Scammers use email as a hacking weapon to steal personal information. The phishing email is sent in such a way that it seems like coming from a trusted source. 

It can be a fake verification link, a download link, a bank request, and so on. Most renowned service providers, for instance, Microsoft offers safety features like office 365 anti phishing.

Integral office 365 phishing protection to try

Fortunately, Microsoft Office 365 protection from phishing is sufficient to start with preventing spam attacks. They are supposed to confine spear phishing, whaling, BEC, and ransomware successfully. They are as follows.

Setting from dashboard

Users of premium apps like MS 365 Enterprise, MS 365 Business, and MS 365 Education can enable the default office 365 phishing protection from the dashboard.

Go to Admin centers” and click on Security & Compliance” to discover diverse kinds of policies. You can set precise protection by clicking on “Threat management “as well.

After setting a strict policy, Office 365 will automatically delete and junk phishing emails.

Microsoft ATP

Advanced Threat Protection [ATP] is a cloud-based Office 365 email protection service that prevents obscure viruses and malware. It works as extra security to repel fake and spam emails.

ATP anti-phishing policies let you implement custom policies, spoof settings, and advanced phishing thresholds.

Outlook Rules & Alerts

The outlook is one of the leading email service providers by Microsoft. But, many of us often have experienced spam emails in our inbox. The good thing is, Outlook has its junk email protection. 

Go to your admin account and click on “File” > “Rules and Alerts.” Now set your specific rules to have more control over emails. It can be a particular word, link, and more. When you receive an email containing such words or links, Outlook will move that email to a specific folder.

Third-Party Phishing Protection

Though Microsoft is continually updating security features, Office 365 Phishing protection seems useful for primary cyber threats. If you want to protect your business and employees from email fraud, you may get help from advanced anti-phishing systems like for cloud-based email security.

Microsoft Office 365 phishing defense features are pretty good for regular and individual usage. They are developing the system gradually. Besides, we need to be careful when opening a junk email. Awareness is more crucial than using all these fancy tools


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