What Features to Look for in Product Lifecycle Management Software for the Fashion Industry?

What Features to Look for in Product Lifecycle Management Software for the Fashion Industry?

Simply put, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a set of systems and processes involved in the development of the product right from conception through to its delivery. Therefore, PLM software provides an effective tool to manage all the systems and processes effectively from a single platform.

Thanks to the PLM software, all the different teams involved in planning, designing, manufacturing, merchandising, and marketing can work together cohesively.

If you are from the fashion industry and are considering getting PLM software, here are some essential features you should look for. Also, visit website for more information.


It is one of the most critical features to look out for in any software. The goal of the software is that it brings together multiple teams and people through a single platform. The software should be easily accessible so that your teams and employees can work on the project from any location. The software should be accessible by multiple users from multiple locations to facilitate ease of working.

Product Data Security

As an organization, your product data is invaluable. Therefore, it is important to ensure its accessibility and security. Look for software that offers best-in-class IP protection.

In the fashion and apparel industry, design and blueprints will be fed into the software for edits and reviews by the entire, and multiple changes and revisions would take place. Therefore, you have to be 100% sure that your designs will be secure and won’t be accessed by any third party.

Enterprise Collaboration

In this complex world, organizations need to find ways to facilitate effective collaboration with supply partners, integration with ERP, and other software. It is difficult to maintain different applications and enterprises in silos.

Therefore, the PLM should have collaboration and integrative capabilities built into its solution. This will help in the increased adoption of PLM across your enterprise. This will, in turn, have a positive impact on productivity and product quality.


Not everyone in the organization is tech-friendly or has the same level of technical capabilities. To ensure enterprise-wide adoption of the software, you have to ensure that software is intuitive, easy to learn, and is user-friendly.

Also, check the level of customer support or assistance it offers. It will help if you had software with robust customer support to prevent disruption in operation.

Customization and Scalability

Investing in PLM software is an investment and one that you don’t make often. Once you’ve purchased software, you expect to stick to it for a long time or as long as your operations allow. It isn’t something you change every year. Therefore, it is important to check for the level of customization that the software allows.

Another important factor is scalability. You have to have software that allows you to scale up when the demand improves. Ideally, choose software with flexible pricing packages that will enable you to upgrade and downgrade as per your requirements.

Today’s fashion industry’s speed and complexity make it imperative for organizations to invest in a PLM that can connect all aspects of sourcing, design, merchandising, delivery, etc. for smoother, more robust operation and better customer responses. For more details, please visit the website or get in touch with us.





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