How to Craft a Killer Vehicle Wrap Advertising Campaign

How to Craft a Killer Vehicle Wrap Advertising Campaign

How many ads do consumers see in 1 day?

  1. A) 500
  2. B) 2,500
  3. C) 4,000

If you guessed C, then you’re right! Americans see anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements every single day. If you want your company’s ads to be effective, you have to learn how to stand out from the rest!

Thankfully, vehicle wrap advertising is the perfect way to stand out, while also reaching local customers. However, to be successful, you have to take the time to create an effective design that customers will notice, and remember.

Are you ready to start growing your business like never before? Read on to learn the right way to do advertising wraps on vehicles.

Checkout Your Competition

As you start brainstorming the design for your vehicle wrap advertising, it’s helpful to check out what your competition’s already doing. Pay attention to the things you like, and dislike about their ad campaign. Once you have a good idea of the elements that are working, and not working, you can start customizing your own campaign. You can also look into getting a vehicle wrap cost estimate, so you can budget accordingly.

Less Is More

Remember, shrink wrap vehicle advertising is a moving target. Potential customers will only have a moment to get the information off of your company’s vehicle. Instead of bombarding your wraps with too many details, focus on getting your main idea across. For instance, you should include your contact information, services, and company name.

Large Letters and Numbers

Moving on, advertising wraps on vehicles need to have large letters and numbers. That way, if the vehicle is far away, potential customers will still be able to jot down your contact information. It’s also helpful if you have a personalized vanity phone number that uses letters.

Best Fonts and Colors To Use

Not only do you need your letters and numbers to be large, but you also need them to be in an easy to read font. Here are some of the best fonts for vehicle wraps:

  • Times New Roman
  • Garamond
  • Georgia
  • Verdana
  • Helvetica

Finally, choose bold colors that will stand out in traffic.

Track Your Success

Last but not least, you’ll want to have a way to track the success of your vehicle wrap advertising. You can do this by listing an alternate phone number or landing page that is only promoted on the vehicle wrap. Or you can run a promotion on your vehicle wrap designs.

Start Using Vehicle Wrap Advertising

Once you master the art of vehicle wrap advertising, the sky’s the limit for your company’s growth. As long as you take the time to design a visually pleasing wrap, that’s easy to read, you’ll love the results you get. Remember that less is more, so don’t try to cram too many things onto the wrap’s design.

Go ahead and do an online search right now to see what type of wraps your competition is using, so you can make yours even better. For more ways to be the best, read another one of our articles.


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