All employers want an efficient and productive team working with them. Employees, on the other hand, always want their efforts recognized and appreciated. Unless you have a happy and contented workforce, you cannot expect to scale and grow. Please visit website to understand how a rewards program can incentivize your employees and propel business growth.
Did you know that an average employee can be productive for a mere 2.5 to 3 hours out of the 8 hours they work? That’s just slightly more than one-third of a day’s work. When you reward your employees, they are motivated to work hard and be more productive. Most employees feel that their supervisors and managers do not recognize their efforts.
Let’s take a look at how best you can implement an automated recognition and rewards program that will lead to better employee productivity in the long run.
Set the Right Guidelines
Ambiguity can only confuse your employees, which often leads to alienation and frustration. When you set a rewards program, make sure everyone understands how it works. Remember that it makes sense to give a fair chance to all your employees.
Once employees know what goal they are working towards, they will put in sincere efforts and increase productivity. Make it clear how your employees can earn reward points and what it takes to earn the minimum required to be eligible for rewards. To understand how an automated reward platform works, check out the details and iron out any system gaps.
Performance Linked Rewards
Make sure that the rewards you offer align with the performance of the employees. Explain to your team how its productivity positively affects your business outcomes, leading to profit. If there is a new initiative you have introduced, and want the employees to focus on, introduce a new rewards program.
You’ll set an excellent example by making a special mention of star employees for their outstanding performance.
No Achievement is too Small or Big
Just as you would have an employee gloat over a remarkable accomplishment, you cannot ignore the smaller inputs given by other supporting staff. It makes sense to have a tiered rewards program where performing employees get a due share for their efforts: be it a word of praise, handsome perks, or recognition in public.
A well-supported and motivated employee looks forward to the next reward they can earn. Visit the website to know more about quantifying rewards programs for your company.
Teamwork Pays
Nothing works better than teamwork. When teamwork is at play, it amplifies each individual’s effort and productivity, leading to increased revenues and profits. Cooperation also promotes harmony between various departments, so it is vital to encourage and reward team efforts.
When dealing with rewards for teamwork, it is critical to set substantially larger rewards than individual rewards. Get a fair idea about calculating management and engineering time to achieve productively on a project, and set rewards proportionately.
Rewards and recognition help keep you and your employees happy. Once you set up a well-optimized rewards and recognition program, all you need to do is wait for results. Visit the website to know more about how we use data to design and monitor productivity so that you can give matching rewards to deserving cases.
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