The Equipment You Need for a Workplace First Aid Kit

The Equipment You Need for a Workplace First Aid Kit

Getting hurt at work won’t just ruin your day – it can be detrimental to your health. This is why you should speedily treat any wounds you have, even if they don’t seem serious on the surface. In order to be able to quickly treat workplace injuries, you need access to a first aid kit. Here are all of the supplies you will need for a fully stocked first aid kit that can be used by anyone in the workplace.

Supplies to Clean and Sanitise Wounds

Basic injuries at work are easily treatable, but you first have to know what you are dealing with. Whether you get a really bad papercut, scrape your knee, or get dust in your eye, the first part of treating an injury in the workplace always relates to sanitation and disinfection. You can’t dress a wound until it has been properly cleaned, so buy supplies that will enable you to disinfect any injury you can think of. Eyewash is important for cleaning out debris, while alcohol and peroxide will clean out cuts and abrasions. You may also need supplies such as Q-tips and cotton balls to apply the cleaning agents, so try to think of everything you would need for treatment in an emergency situation at work.

Bandages, Gauze, and Medical Tape

After you have cleaned out your wound, the next thing you should do is prepare to dress your wound. You will need a clean area to lay out all of your supplies and stabilise the injury. Examine your wound to see how far it extends, then look to your supplies and see which ones can be used to completely cover it. Small cuts to the fingers and hands might require a small Band-Aid, but a larger injury will require some type of bandage. Go to for a large selection of gauze, bandages, and medical tape. Bandages are customisable, so you can cut them down to properly fit and cover whatever type of wound you have.

Antibacterial Ointments, Ace Bandages, and Other Supplies

Properly cleaned and dressed wounds should be treated with antibacterial ointment to promote healing and prevent infection. How often you change your bandage or Band-Aid depends on what kind of injury you have, so consult a doctor. For those who have other injuries that don’t require dressing, like ankle sprains and contusions, ace bandages and ice packs work brilliantly. Think of other supplies that are necessary for first aid kits, like splints and sutures so that you can work in peace.

Remember that you can always add more supplies to your first aid kit as long as there is enough room. Make sure that the first aid kit is placed somewhere that is both visible and accessible, and let all workers know where it is. Occasionally check your workplace first aid kit to see that none of the supplies have expired, and to replace whatever may have been used. If possible, have a couple of first aid kits in the workplace so you can take one with you if you ever go off-site.

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