Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures: 101

Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures: 101

When you are going to plan a dispensary standard operating procedure, you should make sure that it is based on real industry experience. You can hire writers and technical consults to assist you in clarifying your thoughts and what you want to put into the SOP. You have to be involved in the planning process because no one knows your business as you do. You can ask for help from your supervisors and staff members, but only for the basic information. If you include them in the process, it will make the planning and creation seamless as they will have the first-hand experience and will be able to easily put it into practice.

Clarity and Simplicity

In planning your dispensary standard operating procedures, be sure to make it simple and clear. In so doing, it will be easier to understand and the language would be concise and direct. It will be easier for employees to follow and complete the steps and guidelines. When someone accesses your SOP, they should be able to follow it step by step, knowing what should be done and why it should be done as well as the tools to use. Make sure you have a numbered list and define tasks from beginning to tend so there is no overlapping of tasks.

Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures: 101

Doing A Test

In order to know if your SOP does what you intended it to do, it is best to do regular testing. If you do this, then you will be able to improve what does not seem to be working. You should always conduct a test when you add a new concept; whether it is a new delivery schedule or a sanitation schedule. You should assess the results through testing. If you want to cut down on the time that customers stay in the store, you can put plans in your SOP of what you intend to do to make it happen. Testing will also be necessary. For example, you could have a sales associate meet the customer at the door and walk them through the purchase process; offering discounts and possibly free membership. The process would go faster and you will achieve the results you want. No matter your goal, SOPs that are well planned and executed will get you successful results.

Well-Written SOP

With a planned SOP, the staff will know the roadmap to help you succeed as a cannabis business owner. With a well-written SOP, you give them the opportunity to execute the best business practices such as accurately storing products. Make sure that you also include:

  • The person responsible for each task
  • The requirement of each team
  • Step by step guidelines to follow
  • The importance of the process
  • Unknown definitions explained
  • Staff training
  • Safety and health issues
  • Deadlines for different tasks

Quality Assurance

The cannabis industry is one of the most regulated industries and the rules can be quite complex. That is one of the main reasons you need a standard operating procedure manual. Everyone can follow along in an orderly manner; knowing when changes are being made and the regulations and compliance that need maintaining. Quality assurance is also necessary. Below are some of the tasks that are generic to the business:

  • Security protocol
  • Customer registration
  • Delivery procedures
  • Sales transaction process
  • Cash management
  • Inventory management
  • Procedures for opening and closing the dispensary

Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures: 101

Learn More

At the end of the day, the planning phase should be thoroughly created, reviewed, and executed. Nothing should be left undone. That means it will take time to plan and carry out each step. It could be as simple as turning the alarm off and on for security purposes or accurately checking the customer’s ID cards. For help with creating dispensary standard operating procedures, contact a firm that specializes in dispensary marketing to help. 

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