Five Pieces Of Tech You Didn’t Know You Wanted

Five Pieces Of Tech You Didn’t Know You Wanted

For most people, technology and gadgets are almost indistinguishable from each other. They shouldn’t be, of course – technology is the field of science that makes the creation of the latest gadgets possible – but all of us like to feel like we have the latest technology in our homes. Technology is there to make our lives more convenient, relieve boredom, and improve our quality of life. Imagine what the world would be like right now if Tim Berners-Lee hadn’t invented the worldwide web, for example. You wouldn’t be able to read this article, and that would be terrible!

We now live in a very tech-savvy world, and almost every week there’s a brand new ‘must-have’ product on the market. There are so many new gadgets and supposedly life-enhancing inventions available that it’s sometimes difficult to keep on top of it all and work out what might benefit us. We’re all aware of the biggest and most popular new inventions because they make it into the mainstream news, but that means some other gadgets and pieces of tech fall by the wayside.

Whether you live a minimalist lifestyle from a tech point of view or you’re an enthusiast who likes to keep up with the times by purchasing the latest bit of kit as soon as it becomes available, here are five pieces of tech that you might not know you need, because you never knew it was an option!

Waterproof Smart Speakers

Most of us have become accustomed to speaking to the Bluetooth or WiFi smart speaker in the corner of our front room. Some of us even have one in every major room in the house now, controlling our televisions, our lights, and our shopping lists. The one room you probably don’t have one in is your bathroom or shower because you’ve made the sensible decision that water and electricity don’t mix. You’re right to make that assessment, but Amazon has found a way around it – and they did it some time ago. They released “Aqua Dew,” their first “Alex” shower speaker, in late 2018. Whether it’s managing your bathtime playlist or bringing you the latest news headlines around the world, Alexa is now just as available to you in the bath or shower as she is anywhere else in your home.

Robotic Pan Stirrers

Electric whisks have existed for a long time, but very few aspects of modern cooking actually call for a whisk. For anything that needs stirring, you’re almost certainly still using your hands and having to go back to your pans regularly throughout the cooking process to make sure you’re not allowing anything to sit for too long. You don’t need to do that anymore. Pre-programmable pan stirrers are now a reality, and they can be left inside your pans to stir whatever you’re cooking as and when you need them to. They can stir constantly or be set to do so at regular intervals. That leaves you free to step away from the cooking just as you would do if you’d shoved something in the oven and were free to leave it to its own devices for half an hour. It’s an incredible labor-saving device!

Breakfast Sandwich Makers

Let’s stay in the kitchen for a moment longer, because we need to talk about breakfast sandwich makers. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and yet many of us skip on it because it’s too much effort in those difficult early moments of the morning. Breakfast sandwich makers are there to solve that problem for you. The idea is incredibly simple, and yet it’s also incredibly effective. All you need to do is take the raw ingredients of your ideal sandwich, put them into the machine, and let it go to work for you. It will toast your bread and cook your filling automatically, and there’s even a dedicated space for eggs. The best models even put the whole thing together for you after the cooking is done, so all you need to do is grab it and eat it. Use the time you save to have a coffee or a shower, and you need never miss out on breakfast again!

Compact Washing Machines

We all know what it’s like when piles of laundry build up or when you desperately want to wear that one item of clothing that hasn’t been washed. You’re forced to either wash it by hand or wait until enough washing has accumulated to justify you putting a full load into your machine. That doesn’t have to be the case because compact washing machines exist – and they’re just as good as the professional laundry service in the middle of your home town or city. They’re much more economical than using a full load, and they’re also much faster. They’re also perfect for those of you who live in small apartments or studios. We can’t believe nobody came up with this idea earlier.

Video Game Streaming Platforms

Why choose between the latest PlayStation or Xbox when you could choose neither and get yourself a video game streaming account instead? When the internet came along, and online slots websites began to appear, it changed everything for the casino industry. No real casino in the world can compete with the amount of variety it’s possible to pack into an online slots website, so they had to up their game and revise their offerings for the first time in decades. Now we’re in a reality where people can pick between hundreds of UK casino without needing to have a cabinet in their home, or even leave their homes at all! Platforms like Google Stadia, GeForce Nvidia, and Amazon Luna are attempting to that with video games by giving you all the games without any of the hardware. If you have a reliable internet connection, you can play the latest “Call of Duty” without owning a console at all – and that’s an incredible thing.

We’re sorry – but also not sorry – if finding out about these new forms of technology have added to your list of essential purchases, but we figure you’d be happier knowing about them than not knowing about them. From saving cooking and washing time to providing better entertainment options, these are examples of technology that exist right now and could make a material difference to your life, and we think they’re all fantastic!




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