The Power of Networking: Why You Should Network

The Power of Networking: Why You Should Network

Many people find the professional world and even their own career fields difficult to navigate. One way to increase your professional capital is by networking with other people in your field. 

Though it can be tricky getting your foot in the door, there are plenty of ways nowadays you can network without being pushy or awkward. Some of these include platforms like LinkedIn or special networking groups. 

The power of networking can go a long way if you do it correctly. If you’re still on the fence about how networking might be beneficial for you, here are a few reasons why you should be networking in your professional community.

Build Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

The main goal of networking is to build upon your career, but that isn’t all you should be focusing on. By talking to various new people, whether you’re already an extrovert or not, you can build your confidence and increase your self-esteem. 

The more people you talk to, the more comfortable you’ll get selling yourself.  Even if they’re basic introductions, first impressions can go a long way. By connecting with more people, you see the value others have for you and the value you present to others. 

You’ll see your confidence and self-esteem grow as you welcome new people into your network, and others reach out to you!

New Insight

While the term “networking” sounds like it should be about schmoozing and clinking glasses with important people, you can actually gain a lot of helpful insight from your colleagues and others in your industry. 

The Power of Networking: Why You Should Network

Say you have a difficult project you’re working on, and you need an outside opinion. The people you network with can offer you fresh ideas and solutions that you and the people in your department may be blind to. You can brainstorm or bounce ideas off of one another.

Networking with people in different departments or even completely different fields can also help open you up to what else is out there! People discover new career fields, companies, and departments by networking too! You may even find that networking energizes you and pushes you to innovate in your own work. 

Advice and Support

We all need people to talk to who understand what we’re struggling with or excited about at work. While your husband or girlfriend may be good listeners, they probably don’t know how to offer the career-specific advice or support you need.

Creating a close group of people you can ask for advice and support from is important for creating a healthy work environment. It can also help you enjoy your work more when you have people you can relate to!

Networking enables you to create a list of people that, should you ever need help or advice, you can reach out to! To start networking with people in your area, try searching for “networking groups near me,” where you can get to know professionals in your area who are looking for the same thing as you!

Business Connections and Contacts 

Networking is great for creating a system of people that all have their own specific skills and needs. Professionally, we rely on an interconnected web of people throughout our companies, especially in other disciplines and fields. 

Without reliable contacts, the transdisciplinary approach many businesses take would not be possible. They help hire new people, assist with projects, and let you know about potential opportunities. By having a reputable base of contacts, you’re setting yourself up for future success. Many opportunities can arise when you have people looking out for you across the company, state, or country!

Networking can also help you find partners and teammates that you can add to your own team! It can help you find qualified people looking for jobs and help you find a better job. Or, it gives you the chance to get to know people who can introduce you to the people who can help with either of those things.

You’re then opened up to a lot of opportunities, including new business connections. Whether you’re trying to get promoted or want to meet important people in your company, creating business connections is always helpful for getting a leg up.

Ultimately, the goal of networking is to improve upon your own career, so keep that in mind as you make connections, but don’t forget to actively engage in mindful communication. Mindful connections and good first impressions are what will make people remember you in the long run. 

Personal Connections

Though certain people may start as professional contacts, you may get to know them personally, too! It would be best if you were specific about which people you get to know out of a professional capacity. Still, some great friendships and relationships can develop because of networking. 

Just remember, if you work together, it’s usually best to create friends out of people at the same level as you. Friendships and relationships can complicate work dynamics, so make sure to keep it professional when required. You should always respect the working and professional boundaries. 

When you put many people with similar interests and bright ideas in the same room, you’re bound to get along with some personality! 

The Power of Networking: Why You Should Network

 Using the Power of Networking

The power of networking can create limitless opportunities for you throughout your professional life. You create long-lasting bonds and connections that, when kept up, can benefit both you and the other individual. 

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