What to Look for in Your New and Expanded Corporate Office Space

What to Look for in Your New and Expanded Corporate Office Space

As your business starts to take on more clients, you may notice that your operations simply aren’t cutting it anymore. You need expansion, whether it’s in production space or office space. When it’s time to move to a bigger space, here are some key factors that you’ll want to be on the lookout for.

Appropriate Location

When you decide to move to a new office, the first thought on your mind is going to be regarding the new location. If you have an office that clients visit regularly, then you’ll need to take your clients into consideration. You don’t want to move to a location that is significantly farther away than your existing location. This could discourage customers and cause some of them to look at other companies.

What to Look for in Your New and Expanded Corporate Office Space

A Long-Term Lease

When you undergo a massive expansion, you want to be assured that it will be finalized well into the future. Picking an office space for rent that offers long-term leases will likely be in your best interest. A five or ten-year lease is typically ideal. Signing a short-term lease for one or two years is likely not in your best interests. You don’t want to establish everything at your new office location only to find out that the landlord is not renewing your lease two years in.

A Place That Meets Your Future Space Needs

It’s overly obvious that you’re going to need to pick a new office location that can house your intended operational needs. However, you need to consider the near future. We’re talking about the next 5 to 10 years. As you continue to expand into the future, you’re going to want an office space the will accommodate that expansion. This will save you a lot of headaches a couple of years down the road as you won’t have to worry about finding another office location to accommodate your expansion needs.

What to Look for in Your New and Expanded Corporate Office Space

An Affordable Location

While price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor for your new office location, it’s one that is important. You must be able to comfortably afford the new location. If you pick a location that has too high of a price point, you may end up backing your business into a financial corner. This may be a corner that you can’t get out of.

When it comes to expanding to a new office location, the process can be exciting. While you’re likely checking out the landscaping, parking, and interior look, these are not the only things you’ll want to consider. The above four factors are ones that you’ll need to consider to ensure that you pick the right location.

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