8 Ways to Improve Your Quality Control Systems

8 Ways to Improve Your Quality Control Systems


According to one study, for every $1 you spend on your quality management system, you should see about another $6 in return on your revenue.

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s important to invest in your quality control systems, it is definitely worth it. But how do you improve on it?

There are a few ways to fine-tune your quality control, so make sure you keep reading!

Choose the Right Quality Management

First, make sure you choose the right product quality control system. There are a few different popular methods that people use today, but some might work better for your company. Each of them has its own pros and cons, so you should do your research before choosing one.

One of the popular ones is Six-Sigma. This method relies a lot on crunching data and measuring the process to make sure you’re delivering the best product.

You can also try using the PDSA model. This method focuses on four main steps: “Plan, Do, Study, and Act” You can integrate these into a lot of different strategies.

If you want another four-step process that works in a similar way, you can try the FADE model. This focuses on a framework of “Focus, Analyze, Develop, and Execute.”

You may even be able to use a combination of multiple methods. If you need help to integrate or improve your system, check out globalvision.co.

Commit to Quality

You should also make sure that you fully commit to quality. If everyone in your company isn’t invested in making sure you supply a quality product to the customer, it’ll be difficult to have a good product quality control system.

This commitment has to come from the leaders at the top of the business. If the people at the top don’t seem to care, then it won’t get very far.

Management has to make sure that employees know that it’s a goal that isn’t negotiable. The numbers have to be good when it comes to quality, so make sure that your employees understand the company’s position on quality.

Write Up Some Objectives

To make sure everyone knows about quality, you may want to write up some objectives.

This can be helpful to align strategic directions and plans. It’s also easy for employees to find and be reminded of the quality control system.

Require Training

When you start implementing quality control, you have to make sure that your employees are maintaining standards. To do that, you should make sure that you train your employees and make sure they know what’s going on.

Do this as early as possible before you implement it, and make sure that you require every employee to take it. However, you may want to make sure some supervisors and managers are the first ones to know about it.

You should also make sure that it’s easily accessible for people to refer back to.

Keep Track of Mistakes

You should also make sure that you keep track of any mistakes in your system. To deliver a quality product, you’ll have to figure out what quality means to you.

This might involve keeping track of mistakes and errors so that you can figure out how to fix them. By keeping track of these, you can use it as a way to measure the products against.

This can be hard in certain industries, like a business that offers a service. However, the International Organization for Standardization offers many points that you can use to measure errors.

You should also make sure that you get data from your customer as well. If they aren’t satisfied, ask them what errors there were or what they would want to be improved. All of this data and knowledge is important to make sure that you improve your quality control.

Edit Your Process

Once you start a process, you can’t just wipe your hands off and call it a day. The process will need some editing and work as you figure out how to tailor it for your business.

Don’t check on everything once a year, but you should have an internal department that can run quality audits throughout the process. This way you’ll be able to catch problems with the process early on and be able to fix them.

Research New Technologies

There are improvements to quality control systems that come out all of the time. For example, you should keep an eye on improving customer feedback and data collection. There are also new technologies that come out with better equipment that will help reduce the number of errors.

There are also better technologies that come out and sample everything to gather better data.

Make Sure You Can Measure It

Measuring errors is important, but you should also make sure that you measure everything. There’s no such thing as too much data, especially when you want to try and grow your business.

You can even implement automated processes into your system so that you don’t have to keep track of data manually. This way you can quickly look at an Excel spreadsheet quickly and figure out what’s working and what isn’t working.

Learn More About Quality Control Systems

These are only a few things you can try to improve your quality control systems, but there are many more things you can try as well!

We know that it can be overwhelming to figure out an automated system that works for your business, but we’re here to help you out!

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