Different Bingo Types

Different Bingo Types

When you first start playing roulette, it’s likely you’ll have a lot of questions. Most will be answered when you watch the game being played; you’ll see how it works and roughly what you need to do. 

Something that might not be answered, however, is how to bet or, rather, what bets you should be making. This part can be complicated if you’re not sure what to do, and it can even stop you from enjoying the game – play Cozino.

Here are some of the most common bets to get started with; once you are more confident, you can try some others if you want to, but these are great for beginners (and for those who don’t want to take too much of a risk). 

Red Or Black

Choosing either red or black rather than a specific number is a good way to start when you are just feeling your way with roulette. And, to be honest, many more seasoned players stick with this tactic. Although you’re not quite at 50/50 odds (don’t forget the zero in European roulette, giving you a 48.6 percent chance of winning, and the additional double zero in American roulette, taking your chances down to 47.4 percent), it’s still not bad odds, and if you win, you’ll get odds of 1:1. 

Odds Or Evens

Odds or evens works in the same way as red or black, with the same chance of winning and the same 1:1 payout. 

Whether you choose odds or evens or you go for red or black, the outcome isn’t any different, so it will be down to personal preference (and luck) as to which one you pick. 

Single Number

Picking one single number – also known as a straight bet – is one of the riskiest choices in roulette. But if you want to win big and you’re feeling lucky, go for it. It’s perfect if you only have a few minutes to play and you want to go out with a bang! In this case, you choose one number (and it will be random because there’s no way to predict where the ball is going to land) and hope that you picked right. If you do, you’ll get a pay out of 35:1. 


When you look at the gaming table, you’ll see that the numbers are laid out in three columns of 12 numbers. You can, if you want to, bet on one entire column. They pay out at 2:1, so it’s not too bad, and since you are gambling on the fact that the ball will land in one of 12 numbers, rather than just one number, it’s more likely you’ll win that if you choose one number only (although, as ever, not guaranteed). 

If you’re playing European roulette, the odds of winning when you’re betting on a column is 32.4 percent. In American roulette it’s 31.6 percent. 

Number Combinations

So you might be interested in placing a straight bet because it’s exciting and, if you win, you’ll win a lot. Yet if you want to minimise the damage, you can actually bet on more than one number. You can, therefore, place a variety of different straight bets in one game. This will increase your odds of winning, but the payouts will be lower.

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