Facebook For Business: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Facebook For Business: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Did you know that Facebook has over 2.45 billion active users? With this kind of audience, Facebook has to be the perfect platform, right?

Well, not exactly.

Facebook is a great platform, but it’s not perfect. In fact, it has several downfalls that you need to know about before you start a business account.

To learn about the pros and cons of Facebook for business, keep reading. We’ll share everything you need to know about Facebook for business so that you can navigate (or not navigate the platform) properly.

Pros of Facebook for Business

Let’s start by looking at the greatest advantages of using Facebook for business. Like most social media platforms, Facebook offers a large audience for you to reach. However, there’s more than this.

Let’s look at our top three reasons to keep your Facebook business account.

Talk Directly to Customers

With its multiple messaging options and outreach methods, Facebook is one of the best social platforms in terms of interacting with customers. This is great for businesses that are looking to grow closer to their customers and build a brand based around great customer relationships.

It’s also great for your customers. They can contact your business at any time with questions, comments, concerns, or anything else they find important.

Not only does this let you help your customers out at any time. It also increases the likelihood that customers will stay with and be loyal to your business. By helping them online, you’re going the extra mile that customers like.

Drive Followers to Your Website

Arguably, Facebook is the easiest social media platform when it comes to driving traffic to your website. Platforms like Instagram and Twitter make it difficult to post and share links.

Fortunately, Facebook is made for sharing links. You can make a lengthy post and still have room to include links that you’d like readers to go to. For example, you can take time to write about a product and send your followers a link to look at the product. You can do both of these things in the same post.

Visual platforms make link sharing nearly impossible, while text-based platforms don’t allow you to go into detail. Facebook provides a perfect median platform for businesses looking to do everything.

Gain Customers Easily

Facebook’s algorithm makes it easy to gain new followers every single day. If you know how to use SEO for Facebook, you’ll be able to bring in new leads and sales more than you potentially could on other platforms.

Gaining customers using Facebook is all about posting consistently and giving the customers what they want. By interacting with and listening to your followers, you’ll be able to build a profile around the business that you want to be.

As you’re posting on Facebook, be sure to take advantage of their sharing options. A great way to get more followers is by having your current followers spread the news. Many Facebook businesses have sharing wars and contests to get the word about their business out there.

Cons of Facebook for Business

As with all social media platforms, Facebook has its downfalls. Before you open a Facebook business account, it’s important to know all of the cons.

Make sure to read through all of these cons carefully to determine whether or not you’d like to permanently delete Facebook.

Time-Consuming Processes

Some social media professionals regard Facebook as one of the most time-consuming social media platforms. Because it has so many elements (text, picture, links, etc.), it can be difficult to organize and launch everything for an adequate, interactive Facebook post.

When you’re planning for a Twitter post or an Instagram post, you have a limited platform. You have a certain number of characters to use or a small place for a single picture. There’s no overthinking these platforms.

With Facebook, you have to take every single element into account. Without using all (or at least two) of the elements, you’ll find yourself with a boring post that no one will want to take the time to read. You have to find the balance with your customers by discovering what kind of content and posts they enjoy.

Paid Advertising

While all social media platforms have some kind of paid advertising, Facebook is particularly notorious for its paid advertising. With new changes to their outreach algorithms and pairing code, Facebook made it just a little more difficult for potential customers to find the companies and products that they want.

Therefore, companies had to start paying for more advertising to reach the right people.

Facebook made consumers’ feeds more family-centric and less business-focused. With this new feed, you’re going to have to fight over family members’ posts to get a spot on a potential buyer’s feed.

Negative Feedback

The surge of commenting online has grown so much that many people consider it to be out of control. On platforms like Facebook, consumers can slander your business all over the place, and there’s little that you can do about it.

Of course, you could put on your nicest business suit and fashion together a professional response, but it’s unlikely that a well-worded comment is going to get you too far in today’s world.

In fact, those negative comments become more and more popular on social media platforms that amplify them as Facebook does. Comments that gather more attention (like negative comments) are featured more often at the forefront of your business’ content.

Making the Decision

Now that we’ve shared the ups and the downs of Facebook for business, it’s time for you to decide whether or not you’re going to create a business account (or keep your current one if you’ve made one already).

Whatever you decide, we’re sure that you’re aware that there are a plethora of social media platforms for you to showcase your business on. You’ve just got to choose what the best platforms for your business are.

On that note, we invite you to check out the rest of our blog for more social media-related content like this.


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