Ten Technologies That Will Revolutionize the Office

Ten Technologies That Will Revolutionize the Office

The office, as we know it, is changing. The rise of new and innovative technologies has the potential to alter everything — from the way we communicate to the way processes are organized to even the way we experience information. With a whole suite of different technologies poised to transform businesses, we have focused on ten that we believe will really make a difference.

Artificial Intelligence

Copying and pasting into Excel may be a thing of the past. While the vast majority of office jobs require some kind of manual process to tabulate information and get it ready for others, with the rise of artificial intelligence, these kinds of boring tasks may be taken up entirely by computers instead. Excel spreadsheets are just one example of the boundless potential of sophisticated artificial intelligence to speed up business processes. This could mean that workers in these environments may have more time to think creatively, thus resulting in more productivity and innovative ideas. 

Remote Work

Remote work has risen massively in popularity as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and it is likely to stay, as companies such as Facebook and Twitter say that their workers will be fully remote for the near future. Once a niche idea for people in exceptional circumstances, it is highly possible that remote work will become the norm, facilitated by the rise of technologies such as videoconferencing software, file sharing, and light-speed communication software. 

This means people don’t have to be in the same room to get things done. With studies also showing that remote work has the potential to increase productivity, traditional offices may become a relic of the past, freeing up spaces in cities for other purposes, such as community centers and low-cost apartments. 

Ten Technologies That Will Revolutionize the Office

3D Printers 

Once the realm of science-fiction, 3D printers have become a must-have item in many offices. Their benefit is manifold: firstly, they are an essential resource for visualization as they allow one to print detailed plans in ways that will change industries such as architecture and public planning. Secondly, 3D printers are able to print off missing parts, saving companies lots of money in the long run when it comes to replacements. While their cost is relatively high at the moment, as they become more developed, it is likely that they will be affordable for everyone, no matter the size or the scope of the office. They’re already big business, too, currently worth around $7 billion worldwide.

Internet of Things 

The internet of things refers to the way that physical devices can become connected to the internet, leading to greater integration between the digital and real world. This has untold benefits for the office, including: 

  • Easy booking of meeting rooms 
  • Integrated air conditioning and heating 
  • Smart robots 
  • Coffee machines that never run out 
  • Improved communication between devices 
  • Voice-activated computer services 

While a lot of different services are now available, the issue is getting them to communicate with one another. In the future, we can imagine a more integrated service where all processes in an office are run on the same system, making for a very smoothly run business operation. 

Integrated Communication Suites 

Just as the internet of things will make office processes run smoother, it is highly likely that intra-office communication, whether it’s with people who sit in the cubicle two feet away from you, or someone working remotely across the other side of the world, will be vastly improved. While right you may currently use different companies to service your chats, videoconferences, task management, and file sharing, it is likely that a communication suite will soon integrate all these things into one easy-to-use package. This will make efficiency in offices worldwide improve and may lead to the following scenarios. 


Real-Time Collaboration

No more back and forth! With real-time collaboration software, people will be able to work on the same project simultaneously and remotely, without any gaps in processes or efficiency. By combining project software with video-communication software, problems can be quickly identified, worked on, and solved all at the same time!


For companies that rely on expensive couriers and delivery services, the rise of drones, already reshaping the business world, is likely to save them a lot of money in the long run. These automated flying machines will be able to bring objects from one office to another, or deliver to a client with just a few clicks, potentially revolutionizing the delivery industry. On a smaller scale, mini drones could also be used inside the office itself, delivering paper and stationery to workers without them having to leave their seats!

Virtual Currencies 

Cryptocurrencies have become all the rage, especially as Bitcoin has surged in price since it was first listed over ten years ago. Now companies can offer their own virtual currency which can be used for in-house purchases, meaning that money can be retained within the company itself. Additionally, they can use secure, blockchain-based transactions, which often come at a higher level of security and may mean less fees in the future! 

Ten Technologies That Will Revolutionize the Office

Virtual Storage

Up until a few years ago, the way to store large company files was to have lots of physical hard drives on hand. Now, virtual storage allows an infinite amount of free space all located in one centralized location, allowing for greater integration between different members of the team uploading documents at the same time. This is especially important when it comes to a data breach, as cloud backups, such as the ones offered by Acronify, allow you to keep your data safe. 

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality will massively expand the possibilities of what an office means in the future. It is likely that with the use of VR headsets, one will ‘be’ in a location without physically attending, allowing for better visualization and a massive reduction in carbon footprints as travel is lessened. Team meetings, office tours, and project conception will all be transformed, leading the notion of an ‘office’ to be deeply questioned!  

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