5 Office Interior Design Hacks to Help Boost your Employees Mood

5 Office Interior Design Hacks to Help Boost your Employees Mood

Our environments play an inevitable role in the way we feel and function on an everyday basis. When it comes to our work lives, it’s important to curate a comfortable and positive space in order to promote inspiration, focus and general wellbeing.

Whether you’re looking to give a cramped workspace a much-need facelift, or you’re keen on completely refurbishing your multi-level office interior design in Melbourne, these tips and tricks can help elevate both your environment and your employees’ comfort.

Invest wisely in your lighting

 The quality of your office’s lighting plays a major role in setting the mood of a workspace. From a scientific perspective, the type of light we are exposed to actually impacts our circadian rhythms, physical health, and creativity.

However, finding the right balance can be tricky: too dim and your eyes will be strained; too bright and you may feel a headache coming on. As a general rule of thumb, warmer lights in yellow and orange tones are good for downtime spaces (an important inclusion within your office), while cooler lights in blues and whites are beneficial for boosting alertness and concentration.

Research the psychological effects of colours

 While plain white walls are always a safe bet, office designs have seen an upward trajectory of colour pops over recent years. Playing with colours not only adds a sense of dynamism to a space, it can also influence one’s emotions and state of mind.

Cool colours like green, blue and purple are thought to induce a sense of calmness and concentration in a space, while their counter colours (think reds, yellows and oranges) spark comfort and warmth. Whichever shades you choose, just be careful not to overdo it.

Keep your space clutter-free with smart storage solutions

 You may not be able to control the way your employees’ treat their individual desks, but you can certainly reduce mess in their overall environment. From overhead shelves to hidden cabinets, your office storage should be practical and elegant rather than cumbersome and unsightly.

Think outside the box and look at different ways to find a home for all the office equipment. After all, a cluttered space is hardly conducive to focus and productivity.

Choose ergonomic, durable and comfortable furniture

 When it comes to office furniture, your selections should boil down to a classic case of form meets function. While the most stylish options are always tempting, comfort should always come first. Ignoring this golden rule can lead to your employees suffering back pain from unsupportive chairs, or lacking productivity due to poorly designed desks.

Make sure you do your research, test out furniture items where possible, and chat to the experts before purchasing a brand new office suite.

Plan a smart structure

Finally, the actual design of your office space is key to a functional and efficient workflow. Herein, the way your office is laid out should reflect how your team works on a daily basis.

Carefully consider ways to respect each of your employees’ roles: try to section off an area for those who will be making numerous phone calls throughout the day; ensure your meeting rooms are sound-proof and adequately equipped; and delegate privacy to those in positions that require quiet work environments.








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