How to Get Your Office Running Again After an Extended Vacancy

If you’re like many businesses, your office has been vacant due to the pandemic. As more and more people are starting to return to work, business owners are having to deal with reopening their offices after an extended vacancy. Here are four great tips to ensure that your employees can get back to their normal work schedule without many obstacles in their way.

Pre-Test All of Your Equipment

It’s a good idea to bring back your IT and tech staff members prior to bringing back the rest of your employees. Have them take a day or two and go through to pretest all of the equipment to ensure that everything is working correctly. Any problems that come up should be fixed while they have the time to do so. This way, when you bring back your entire staff, they won’t be dealing with any sort of technical issues that could hinder the flow of productivity.

Clean Everything

Apart from cleaning to remove the virus from the various surfaces throughout your office, it’s a good idea to consider a good thorough cleaning of everything. Without many people working in the office, it can accumulate unwanted dust and allergens. Any of your employees that have bad allergies may find it difficult to return to work in that environment. Instead, hiring a commercial cleaning company can take care of cleaning all of the surfaces throughout your office location and making it nice and clean for your employees to return.

Be Flexible

One thing that the pandemic has taught all of us is that we need to be more flexible with our employees. Having all your staff go from being out of the office for months on end to transitioning back into the office is a big step. It’s a good idea to be more flexible with the hours that you’re offering. Let employees work from home a few days a week. This flexibility will make the transition much smoother and ensure that your productivity levels do not drop when everyone returns to the office setting.

Check Expiration Dates on Supplies

Depending on the length of the vacancy, there may be some supplies that have expired. It’s a good idea to put someone in charge of going through your supplies and verifying that they’re still in good condition. Anything that has expired should be thrown away, and a replacement should be ordered. This way, when your employees get back to work, they won’t have to deal with constantly being out of supplies when they need them.

Reopening your office after an extended vacancy can pose a bit of a challenge at first. By following the tips that we outlined for you above, you’ll be well on your way to successfully reopening your office. Remember to allow time for everyone to transition back into the office workspace setting.

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