Top 8 Tech Trends We’ll See in 2021

Top 8 Tech Trends We'll See in 2021

The world has undeniably changed as a result of COVID-19, and technology in 2021 must respond to new problems. How people work, socialize, and learn, has been impacted dramatically by the pandemic. In this new year, explosive growth in existing and novel technological sectors will address these problems head-on and make life easier and safer. In 2021, you can expect rapid advancement in the following technology.  

Increased AI

Artificial intelligence remains at the forefront of trending technology, and the pandemic has made it all the more vital for global health.  

AI is more efficient and accurate in data collection than humans and is able to learn and make real-time decisions. Considering the pandemic’s global effects, governments need AI to process the vast amount of collected information. Data on population demographics, test results, vaccination programs, contact tracing, and more will be essential in monitoring the pandemic’s spread, assisting with containment efforts, and facilitating treatment.  

In the private sector, companies were already leveraging AI to work smarter, but the pandemic has sped development considerably. Providing data support for staff working from home requires cloud technology to perform sophisticated tasks for a distributed work environment.  

Also, companies are increasingly selling services and products online to avoid unnecessary contact, and they are finding that this change can be efficient and profitable. As enterprises shift their operations online, they will encounter more data than ever before. With all this information, enterprises can apply AI to learn customer behavior by analyzing data in real-time.  

5G Proliferation

5G is mobile network technology that will help make applications such as VR, automation, and AI more accessible and ubiquitous. 5G could revolutionize modern life by allowing you to engage more with big data applications that require high processing speeds. Nearly all major communications players, including companies like T-Mobile and Apple, are creating 5G products and services. 

VR, AR, and ER

Virtual reality and extended reality create novel virtual environments using glasses, cameras, or headsets through which a user can interact with the interface. Augmented reality superimposes computer-driven imagery onto the real world—think Pokemon Go or Snapchat filters—but applied to more than just gaming and entertainment.  

For example, these technologies will give people the chance to train for high-pressure situations or tasks, such as performing surgery. In the future, healthcare providers will be able to use VR and AR to make medical diagnoses remotely and solve other complex problems. The education sector will also benefit, as students will gain an increasingly interactive learning experience. 

Robotics and Automation

Stock prices for companies developing advanced robots are soaring, and the industry will continue growing in 2021. Self-driving vehicles are no longer science fiction; their production is currently undergoing research and development. 

Robotics has seen a recent application in the care sector, where robots are being employed to help improve the lives of the elderly. For example, in Japan, these robots provide care and companionship to individuals living in senior living facilities and improve their quality of life.  


Most people are familiar with the term “blockchain” because of BitCoin, but the technology has other useful applications due to its inherent security. Blockchain is essentially data you can add to but not remove from– hence the “chain” present in the name.  

Blockchain uses a distributed ledger to track activity. It is difficult to modify or hack, making it secure for transactions, elections, or other applications centered on verification. Many industries are currently implementing blockchain technology, particularly in finance, administration, and record-keeping. 

The Rise of the Cybersecurity Industry 

Cyber Security is an industry that will grow in 2021. With the increasing amount of sensitive data being processed and stored globally, cybersecurity is critical. More devices process data and connect to the internet, which raises myriad security concerns. For example, a connected speaker can become a listening device or a means to hack your network. 

A cybersecurity attack can result in lost, damaged, or stolen data, making it vital that businesses and individuals have a service provider on-hand for worst-case scenarios. Hiring an on-call computer service company is a great way to protect your data, should it become compromised. Taking proactive steps to increase your digital security can help protect you from cyber-attacks and other threats. 

Keep in mind that hackers and virus creators are continually altering their tactics and creating new nefarious means of robbing data or infiltrating and infecting systems. New technology like AI and automation is available to these bad actors as well, making their attacks all the more damaging and efficient. Cybersecurity must adapt to respond to these new threats head-on.  

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing technology is increasing at an explosive rate, with IBM and Google leading the charge. Quantum computing uses quantum theory to generate computing power; quantum computers are much faster than regular computers and will continue to transform the medical field, assist encryption, and revolutionize communication and AI.  

Smart Home Technology

Ultimately, technology exists to make life and work easier. With the increased proliferation of new technologies, a Jetsons-like future isn’t that far away. Technologies like smart surveillance systems, smart bathrooms, kitchens, and smart TVs are all here already but will continue to increase in complexity in 2021.  

Smart home technology can screen visitors for temperature or recognition using cameras, automatically order food when the fridge runs low on ingredients, or turn sprinklers off in anticipation of rain. Applications for smart home technology are numerous, and demand will only grow in this new year.   

Onwards into a New Era of Technology  

While the COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of normal activity on hold, it certainly hasn’t stopped the development of smarter, faster, and applicable technology. Inventive minds will continue to respond to new challenges, finding ways to make people healthier, happier, and more connected.  







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