How to Improve Security at Your New Business Location

How to Improve Security at Your New Business Location

As you prepare to open your new business location, you have plenty of details that need to be wrapped up. Unfortunately, security should be one of your top priorities. As you have witnessed when watching the news, dangerous situations can occur at any type of business across the nation. Thus, you need to take the necessary precautions to keep your customers and employees safe. To improve security at your new location, take the following steps.

Install Keyless Entry Devices

Rather than using traditional locks that require keys, install keyless entry devices that rely instead on ID badges being scanned before gaining entry to a building. In doing so, you can ensure only authorized personnel can enter certain areas of your building.

Use Motion Detection Lighting

On the outside of your building and in parking lots that may be surrounded by chain link fencing, use motion detection lights to ensure anyone in a dark area will be noticed more easily. Very affordable, these lights could potentially save someone’s life.

Wireless Security Cameras

As security technology has evolved over the years, wireless security cameras have been some of the most innovative products now made available to business owners. Able to be installed virtually anywhere, they can even be linked to mobile devices such as smartphones, enabling you to have a real-time view 24/7 of what is going on in and around your business.

Employee Security Training

While you should take advantage of today’s wide array of security technology, you should also not overlook providing security training for your employees. From conducting active shooter drills to offering self-defense classes, having employees who know what to do in the event of an emergency can prevent a catastrophic event from taking place.

Steel Doors and Barriers

Finally, you should consider having steel doors at the front of your building, and also possibly installing similar barriers near the entrance to your building. By doing so, you can have doors that are virtually unbreakable, yet still easy for employees and customers to use. Also, barriers installed near your building’s entrance can prevent cars from crashing through windows or walls, which happens with increasing frequency in today’s world.

While the odds are far greater that few if any serious incidents will ever take place at your business location, you know better than to take it for granted that everything will be fine. By being proactive in your approach to security, you can give peace of mind to yourself, your customers, and your employees.

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