Top Marketing Trends of 2021

Top Marketing Trends of 2021

Marketing has become increasingly important in the current environment where the number of products and services have multiplied exponentially while remaining quite similar in nature. It will, thus, be the marketing of such products and services that will play a significant role in determining purchases and differentiating between them. The trends noted below are those that you must follow if your business is to establish a successful marketing campaign in 2021.


A modern marketing campaign must be inclusive and show that it has considered both inclusivity and diversity. Inclusive marketing must include people from different backgrounds in the campaign and conversely speak to people from all backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. This aspect of your marketing shouldn’t be considered new and innovative in 2021 but must be the norm. Not only should the working environment be inclusive, but your marketing must speak of the inclusivity that your business espouses. So, if your marketing is going to be on point and serve as a drawcard for increased customers, then it will need to be inclusive. The campaign and the product itself must speak to as many different societal groups as possible. It is a difficult proposition to be able to represent everyone out there, but you must try if you intend to grow sales through customer expansion, driven with a cogent and competent marketing campaign.


Modern-day marketing must use the resources available to them, and the advances in telecommunications are the mainstay of any modern marketing campaign. The stats speak for themselves, and with 95% of all Americans owning a cellphone, it would be business suicide to ignore modern telecoms for your business marketing. Do your research and make sure to go with a company that understands what you need to reach your customers. A great example of a full telecoms offering is who offer telecom solutions to improve your business. Look for something similar where you are based and ensure that they can provide a full range of options to keep you connected to your clients and customers. You must go with the telecoms solution that suits your business needs and, above all else, ensure that the service provider is able to gather and analyze customer data from any communication or contact made.

Know your customers

Knowing your customers will be key to your success. Gathering data on your customers must be a key part of your marketing campaign as it will only serve to make the message more targeted and improve your understanding of what they want and need from your product or service. On a simple marketing level, there is no point going hi-tech with your marketing campaign if most of your clients still prefer to get a hardcopy newsletter in the post or feel that the flyers and posters in the local shopping precinct speak to them more than a text or email sent with your latest offerings. Keep this in mind and know that even in 2021, the traditional forms of marketing may still work where you are. Know what your customers prefer and take it from there.

No click searching

All digital marketers need to know about zero-click searches and try by all means to incorporate these in their business marketing if possible. This is where the business is prepared to give or offer up information without requiring customers or clients to go to their website. It builds reputation and brand in that people become more trusting of the brand as it is not seen to be ‘on the sell’ as information and advice can be offered on the search engine results page (SERP) without having to click through to the actual website. The content or website will still need to be search engine optimized so that it can be found first among your competitors. You will, however, need to take the risk that by offering no-click information on the SERP, customers will still go through to the site or at least recognize and make positive associations with the brand, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Develop the brand

To develop a successful marketing campaign, the business must be able to build an easily recognizable brand. Developing a propriety eponym is on the wish list for all business marketing, and every business would like to be the Kleenex or the Coke when all the customer needs is a tissue or cold drink.  These firms have managed to form such strong associations with their products that when the customer thinks of the generic product, only the specific brand comes to mind. When potential and existing customers are able to associate your brand with a quality product or experience whenever they see it or see an association of the brand, then you are onto a winner, and the sales will simply follow. But getting to this point will take a great deal of research and creating a consistent story for the brand.

Sustainability and green credentials

No modern business will succeed without some form of green credentials. Successful businesses have been those that are able to reflect the public’s concern for the natural world we live in. As modern-day consumers become more environmentally aware and are prepared to give up those consumer goods that do not have the same level of awareness or sustainability credentials, it has become critical to let your consumer base know about your stand on environmental issues. Be clear about how the business has taken these concerns into consideration to provide a service or product that is in keeping with our times, is environmentally produced, and easily recycled. If you have any of these credentials, then you need to shout it from the rooftops. They must become an integral part of your back story and brand and must be updated as you improve and make changes suited to the external context.

Concluding comments

Modern-day marketing campaigns have become all-encompassing, from the television to the street, on mobile phones, through text and WhatsApp, and all over the internet. The number of voices selling and promoting something has increased to the point of saturation. To stand out from the noise and have a clear message, follow the tips above, and you will be able to design a marketing campaign that works.


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